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Posted: October 31, 2016

“Thissssss suckssssss” Gregory growled from on top of Albrecht - as - Jasper’s head, a sentiment which Albrecht couldn’t help but agree with. He was holed up in Jasper’s tent, hiding from trick or treaters, Jasper’s circus family, and that obnoxious imp Robin, who seemed insistent on ruining his mood and every single plot of his to ruin the circus at every turn.

Speak of the terror… Robin waltzed in, a grin plastered across his face.

"Whatsa matter, Jasper? The circus too much for you this year?” Albrecht had a feeling Robin knew exactly what was going on, no one who wanted to keep their head would talk to Jasper like this. And it was infuriating. What was even more infuriating is that he was right. Lanturats in the cotton candy and popcorn machines, one fried bum from the lava fishing, being chased out of the circus tents by creatures that obviously could both tell who he was and held a grudge, and one fortune teller who refused to even look at him, much less speak to him, among others.

He was not cut out for this circus job.

Somehow, Archie peeking in to cheerily announce more trick or treaters only served to spoil his three week old rancid meat mood even more.


Down in the swamp, Jasper felt what Gregory said. The Chamber was incredibly boring. There was nothing to oversee, and anytime he tried to oversee something, Ghost would show up with a mantra of warnings and insults.

He had taken to hiding away in Albrecht’s office, spending hours upon days studying the mirror, polishing it, listening to hoofbeats and whinnies that emanated from the object like heartbeats and rushing blood. Occasionally he thought he could glimpse a two-headed spectral shyre lurking around corners, outside windows. Sometimes he believed being forced into his rival’s body was making him go mad.

In a most-un-Albrecht like fashion, he decided to wander around the swamp, handing out candy to random trick or treaters he saw. He was not going to miss out on Lanturnacht because of this horror. He couldn’t.

“Happy Lanturnacht!” he called, startling young and old misticans alike who were disturbed by Albrecht’s nearly chipper appearance.

“Happy Lanturnacht!”




1st- SilcoonSixx
2nd- Seme
3rd- Smokefall


1st -Seme
2nd- Xerophox
3rd- Villainess

Be sure to read the articles, and take a peek at your horoscope!
Puzzle will return with double points in November!

~Mistic Team

You can now turn in your candy for Lanturnacht points! Be sure to visit the circus. You can choose either Archie or Jasper to hand in your candy to, you will earn your points the same! 


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Posted: October 31, 2016

Normal Jinx


It's a Jinx day!!!

Trick or Treat times have been lowered, so be sure to get the last bits of candy. Turn in will be all week long into November, once it opens this evening.

Be sure to stop at the Giveaway for this delightful pal!

Stay tuned for more news!

~Mistic Team

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Raffle and Feed Pal Winners!
Posted: October 30, 2016


The Weekly Raffle has come to a close, and we are very happy to announce the latest super lucky Misticans!!


Congratulations to glamourgirl, who has won 1st place this week!
And also to Red, who has won 2nd place this week!

glamourgirl has won an October Grace!

OR the MC pot of 18,551,900 MC!
Be sure to mail Pandoria to let her know of your choice!

Congratulations to our 2nd place winner Red! They will also receive an October Grace!!
Pandoria will contact you soon, after the first placew winner makes their selection.

Be sure to head on over to purchase your tickets now for a chance to win big! Remember, there are two chances to win every Sunday!!

Well done to our feed pal winners! They were:
Jzbelle with 79 fed
rdolphingirl with 22 fed
AkinaTatsumi with 9 fed

We would also like to take this weekly newspost to remind our members of some useful tips and links to help make your gameplay more enjoyable!

Weekly Game Schedule Wednesday!
All games: Distorted Pix, Trivia, W/W Am I?, Totally Random, and Giveaway will be updated each Wednesday.
Giveaway will also randomly update, so be sure to check in periodically!

Also, have you met Daily?

Visit Daily every day to help remind you of all the fun and interesting activities here in Mistica!

~Mistic Team.


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A Meeting
Posted: October 28, 2016

Albrecht was still adjusting to the changes that being in another's body caused. These ears were far too short to be useful for anything. Why they couldn't even give a high five, let alone grasp anything! He also felt way too tall for his own good.

“How did this happen?” he asked himself. He looked around the room and spotted the mirror, still leaning against another larger chest that contained circus costumes. Suddenly it came to him.

He wondered if anyone would notice if he snuck out to the Chamber that night?


The moment Jasper saw Albrecht in his body; he snuck off to the small shack near the Chamber of Evil that Albrecht referred to as his “office.” Jasper no doubt was trying to hide what was going on from any of the Chamber goers as well. If they spoke in there, the patrons would just assume they were having an angry discussion about general business.

Albrecht barely had a foot in the door before Jasper spat out, “Alright fiend, what is it that you have done to me?” During the short pause that followed, Gregory hissed at Jasper’s rival, wariness evident in his eyes.

“I'll have you know that I have done nothing!” Albrecht replied with great offense. “It was that blasted mirror that imp gave you! Somehow that mirror is involved!”

“The mirror?” Jasper replied. He thought of the mirror. That flash of light when they bumped it. That weird, creepy aura that emanated from it. “Yes. Come to think of it; that makes sense.”

“Here is what I wish for you to do,” Albrecht continued. Jasper opened his mouth to speak out against being ordered by his rival into doing anything when Albrecht quickly cut him off. “I wish for you to take the mirror into the Chamber. Find out how it did this, maybe even find a way to reverse this curse!”

Jasper considered the demand and surprisingly found it to be reasonable. “Hmm...I did wish to study the mirror after that light show last night. Alright, Albrecht, I'll accept your demands, but know this...if you do anything to harm my circus, everything you have with this Chamber will go bye bye...understood?”

“Yes...understood,” Albrecht replied. He wished these ears were at least capable of keeping crossed fingers behind his back.

Jasper understandably did not trust his rival. Fortunately, he had a backup plan. “You,” he said a little more gently to Gregory, “are unfortunately going to have to stay with him for a little while to keep anyone from getting suspicious and make sure he doesn't muck up the circus.”

“Awww...” Gregory replied with disappointment.

~Mistic Team

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Trick Or Treat!
Posted: October 25, 2016

Everyone can trick or treat every half hour as the event gets under way. Champions are able to knock on doors every 20 mins. 

Trick or Treating is Mistica is quite a fun activity. 
You can decorate your profiles with a doorbell or doorknocker like the ones below:


Make sure to head to your preferences if you want to take advantage of one of our new door knockers*, or perhaps an old favorite? There are MANY to choose from!

**Some DoorKnockers are reserved for Champions only! Activate a dust today and take advantage of the perks like exclusive doorknockers and shorter wait periods!**

In Preferences, you can also set your trick or treat ratio! Are you feeling a little devilish? Want to send out way more tricks than treats? Well it's your perogative!

Check out these new CentiPops!
There are many candies to collect, so keep an eye out for them all!
Along with some other sort of tricky treats as well.

~Mistic Team 

Remember, on top of being exotic foods, limited to this event, candy can also be turned in for Lanturancht Points at some point during October to exchange for some amazing items!

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The Chamber!
Posted: October 24, 2016

Jasper woke with his general disdain for the waking world, hands reaching up to cover his eyes, grumbling chasing away the dreams of monstrous hoofbeats and his reflection swirling away, drowning in that blasted mirror.

He stopped.

His face felt… wrong. Actually… Everything felt wrong. He was too short; his ears were too long and too mobile. He had a mustache. A mustache!

He jumped up, opening his eyes, limbs flailing wildly without wings to balance him. He nearly tripped over Gregory, who was scuttling around short legs, trying desperately to climb Jasper’s - no, Jasper realized with horror, not his but Albrecht’s - body.

Jasper froze, then manipulated his new ears - arms? - To help Gregory to a new and yet familiar perch. His - or Albrecht’s - hands found the body’s eyes again, and he groaned. He had to do something, but going back to the circus was impossible. “Albrecht’s” appearance on the grounds could upset his customers, and he had to trust that his colleagues at the circus, particularly Archie, would be able to keep the real Albrecht from doing any harm.

That is if Albrecht was in his body as he suspected.

For now, Jasper would have to be content to open, possibly fix, Albrecht’s Chamber of Evil. After all, if it didn’t open, people would start to wonder, and if they began to wonder, they might find out the travesty that occurred. And that wasn’t an option.
Jasper - as - Albrecht arrived at the chamber to greet a confused crowd and one angry, easily recognized two-headed-Obsideon. Murmurs traveled through the Misticans as they commented on Gregory’s position on Albrecht’s head.... Murmurs that Jasper sincerely hoped would die out as they rushed into Albrecht’s blasted chamber.

Ghost growled as Jasper approached the doors, nearly lunging as Jasper flung them open with a flourish.

“You had better not screw this up.”


Jasper turned away from the scrutiny of Ghost’s two heads, beckoning in eager customers. If he wanted to suggest the circus to the Misticans passing him, Ghost’s hot anger behind him was enough to dissuade the idea.

Hopefully Robin, for all the trouble he caused, was giving Albrecht the same problems.
The Chamber is open! If you dare to enter.
Please be warned that there could be some unpleasant side effects if you choose to participate in the Chamber.

Can you find these treasures of the past within the Chamber this year?
Will the risk outweigh the reward? Or will the opposite hold true? 

~Mistic Team

This feature is a flash feature, we apologize that many on mobile devices cannot enter the Chamber due to technology limitations. 

Due to how finicky flash is, we recommend chrome for your maze-ing!
Please be aware of some of the consequences that may fall upon you, should you choose to enter the Chamber of Evil. Your pet could have it's food level changed or even lose some Hit Points! An item could be stolen from your inventory! You may lose some of your daily moves! You could even end up with an empty candy bowl. (how sad!) However... there are many amazing items waiting to be found within. Are you game?

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Raffle and Feed Pal Winners!
Posted: October 23, 2016


The Weekly Raffle has come to a close, and we are very happy to announce the latest super lucky Misticans!!


Congratulations to twoser, who has won 1st place this week!
And also to Red, who has won 2nd place this week!

twoser has won a October Grace!

OR the MC pot of 15,072,600 MC!
Be sure to mail Pandoria to let her know of your choice!

Congratulations to our 2nd place winner Red! They will also receive a October Grace!!
Pandoria will contact you soon, after the first placew winner makes their selection.

Be sure to head on over to purchase your tickets now for a chance to win big! Remember, there are two chances to win every Sunday!!

Well done to our feed pal winners! They were:
Xerophox with 29 fed
Red with 12 fed
BlueTrillium with 11 fed

We would also like to take this weekly newspost to remind our members of some useful tips and links to help make your gameplay more enjoyable!

Weekly Game Schedule Wednesday!
All games: Distorted Pix, Trivia, W/W Am I?, Totally Random, and Giveaway will be updated each Wednesday.
Giveaway will also randomly update, so be sure to check in periodically!

Also, have you met Daily?

Visit Daily every day to help remind you of all the fun and interesting activities here in Mistica!

~Mistic Team.


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Tensions Rise
Posted: October 20, 2016

Robin, after leveling a little impish glare, no pun intended, towards the rival of Jasper, hauled the mirror in the direction of the Circus. While Albrecht growled something along the lines of This isn’t the last!’ in Jasper’s direction, said Jinx turned his nose up, the grin on his face widening even more as Gregory growled down at the Koko.

“So…” Robin looked back at Jasper, and he joined him on their way back to the circus, “Where do you want this?” Jasper waved a claw towards his personal tent.

“In there, no use in having it sitting just anywhere. Are you sure you don’t know what that light was? I thought you would have known everything about this old mirror.” Robin looked a bit sheepish, ducking his head as he thought back to where he had taken the mirror from.

“It had been collecting dust in my… in my father’s storage. He has so many relics like these that he wouldn't even miss it. I figured it would look better in your circus than hidden away, right? Maybe.. In a new game run by yours truly?” Eyes lit up like a glowing Pommekin; Robin stared hopefully at Jasper who sighed.

“Persistent aren’t you?”

That night was restless for two individuals as they tossed and turned. In Jasper’s tent, the strange apparition drifted across the surface of the mirror, pausing to stare through it at the figure on the bed. A muffled wailing sound had echoed throughout the tent before it drifted off eerily into the night.

Morning was rough for Albrecht, who swore he had been chased through a creepy graveyard with hoofbeats on his trail. As sleep slowly withdrew its hold on him, he opened his eyes blearily. In the back of his mind, he remembered he had to open the Chamber to the public, but he just didn’t want to get up. Something nearby scuttled across a table and Albrecht paused.


Gregory, Jasper’s creepy tophat, jumped from somewhere and landed square on his chest. Albrecht opened his mouth to scream, but the words from the hat were all too clear.

“Not Jasper!”

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Contests and Voting!
Posted: October 19, 2016

Contests are open for voting!
Writing and Art entries are ready to be voted on, we did not have any Conjuring entries this month.

That means that new contests are ready to be submitted! These entries will all center around the Harvest!

Remember that both trophies and prizes are up for grabs!


Congratulations to:

They have won an Apocalyptic Pandoria Box!


~Mistic Team

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Hostilities Arise...
Posted: October 17, 2016

The two rivals glared at each other heatedly, neither making a remark after Albrecht had waltzed on up as if he owned the place. Jasper’s eyes narrowed, he owned the grounds the circus was on after all; his rival was on his turf now. Robin’s grin quickly faded away as he looked back and forth between the two. He remembered the Chamber of Evil’s owner of course. For a second, the Imp checked behind Albrecht in case that certain grumpy two headed Obsideon from last year had followed him. It was a no brainer that Ghost hadn’t been happy with him from last year.

Actually, no one had been. Which was exactly why Robin had wanted to give Jasper this gift. His lips thinned even more in a defiant manner and broke the glaring contest between Albrecht and Jasper.

“I’m afraid this is Jasper’s.”

Albrecht turned to sneer at Robin, marching on over to rap the mirror on one side.

“You think people would want to come to this circus and see this plain old mirror standing in a tent all alone? Please, if it’s in my Chamber, it’ll be sure to catch everyone by surprise when they walk into a room and see their reflection in the darkness. Besides, you said you didn’t want it.” Jasper gritted his teeth again, deciding then and there he would take the mirror if only to make his rival glower and grumble.

“Hands off, it’s mine,” Jasper growled out, stalking over to point towards the mirror. Robin stepped back, whatever he was going to say failing to be heard over the escalating argument between the two.

“And what are you going to do with it?”

“I don’t need to tell you!”

Beside the two, unbeknownst to the three near it, the mirror’s surface rippled, something shadowy passing across it.  The Imp raised a finger to say something, to remind them that arguing was pointless since, as Jasper had said, that it was his now, although it did irk him that he only accepted it to get back at Albrecht.

Suddenly, without meaning to, Albrecht’s hand slammed against the cart, jostling the mirror within it. The shadowy thing reappeared as a flash of bright white light enveloped Albrecht and Jasper. Robin jumped back in surprise, hissing as he was momentarily blinded.

When the light faded, nothing seemed out of sort.

“What the heck was that?”  Jasper rounded on Robin who blinked in confusion while Albrecht rubbed his eyes furiously. Gregory grumbled at the mirror, staring into its depths.

“No idea.” Jasper nearly facepalmed.


The crowd quickly dispersed as Coppa came to the scene.

"I've heard some strange reports. I think it's best if everyone retire to their homes this evening. Nothing to see here, move it along!"
Click the above, if you are sure you want to see the Apocalyptic Draklaita!

~Mistic Team

Post below your favorite apocalyptic pet, for a chance to win an Apocalyptic Pandoria Box!


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Raffle and Feed Pal Winners!
Posted: October 16, 2016


The Weekly Raffle has come to a close, and we are very happy to announce the latest super lucky Misticans!!


Congratulations to Red, who has won 1st place this week!
And also to Empire, who has won 2nd place this week!

Red has won a October Grace!

OR the MC pot of 13,611,900 MC!
Be sure to mail Pandoria to let her know of your choice!

Congratulations to our 2nd place winner Empire! They will also receive a October Grace!!
Pandoria will contact you soon, after the first place winner makes their selection.

Be sure to head on over to purchase your tickets now for a chance to win big! Remember, there are two chances to win every Sunday!!

Well done to our feed pal winners! They were:
BlueTrillium with 18 fed
Red with 14 fed
rdolphingirl with 12 fed

We would also like to take this weekly newspost to remind our members of some useful tips and links to help make your gameplay more enjoyable!

Weekly Game Schedule Wednesday!
All games: Distorted Pix, Trivia, W/W Am I?, Totally Random, and Giveaway will be updated each Wednesday.
Giveaway will also randomly update, so be sure to check in periodically!

Also, have you met Daily?

Visit Daily every day to help remind you of all the fun and interesting activities here in Mistica!

~Mistic Team.


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Mirror Mirror on the Wall
Posted: October 12, 2016

“And why, exactly, would I want anything you’re offering?” Jasper sighed in exasperation at the imp standing in front of him, who had been trying to “gift” some strange-shaped mass covered with a blanket in an oversized wagon.

“Well, you remember how last year w-” Robin was interrupted almost immediately.

Yes,” Jasper snapped, “I remember last year. I seem to remember last year being nearly disastrous for my business and for the creatures I ward over.” Jasper ruffled his wings, rearranging them in annoyance, while Gregory glared down at Robin with a soft hiss. “So tell me again, why would I want anything you are personally involved in?”

Robin rocked back and forth on his heels, rubbing his chin in thought. Then he snapped his fingers and grinned.

“Because it’s a gift, of course! An apology! It’ll toooootally make up for last year, promise.”

“The fact that it took you that long to come up with your answer hardly fills me with confidence, Robin.”

“Well, don’t you at least want to look at it?”

“N-” Before Jasper could finish his protest; the imp had removed the object’s covering with a grand flourish. Underneath a mirror wrought from the darkest metal imaginable glistened under the garish carnival lights, a horseshoe-folded into the top. Their reflections seemed to shimmer, as though the surface was liquid.

Jasper couldn’t admit it would look good in a twisted hall of mirrors. Perhaps he could somehow introduce that next year? His lips thinned, not wanting to look interested in it.

“If you don’t want it, I’ll certainly take it. I need something new for my chamber.” Jasper had to bite his tongue not to say anything as Albrecht walked up.

Step Right Up! Step Right up!

The Circus has opened its doors once again! Come on by and see Jasper and his crew, and add lots of games and dailies to your activity!

There's Valerie's Ring Toss game and Belladonna's Fortune Telling!


The SideShow, and Guess the Box!

Lava Fishing, and Ivy has her beautiful Carousel!

This also means that Carnival Food can be picked up in Random Events now that the circus is open! Keep your eyes peeled!

Meanwhile, the shops around Mistica are getting into the spirit with a variety of seasonal Lanturnacht goodies!

Enjoy your shopping!


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Contest Winners!
Posted: October 11, 2016

1st- Eye
2nd- Flesh
3rd- Seme

1st- Fox
2nd- Huntress
3rd- Sar

1st- Villainess
2nd- Red
3rd- Fox
Our Blessed Contest pets SALUTE you!

We are attempting to retrieve the Pal Scores, the automation is working for EVERY other competition, and we have made several attempts at fixing this. We apologize for the frustration and share in the sentiment.

~Mistic Team

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The Conclusion...
Posted: October 10, 2016

The third and last day of Jahzara's tale was upon her, and the fortune-teller did not disappoint. Wearing her usual knowing little smirk the woman sat once again, and as before, a small crowd had soon gathered around her. She was patient and waited until every straggler had settled down, then let silence fall for a few seconds, allowing anticipation to build.

"We come finally," she intoned, and it was as if her audience's ears had pricked up visibly, "To the very end of Lanturnaucht's tale. Jack, having frightened the malicious phantom who had attacked his dear sister, spoke before the entire village. In one hand he held a pommekin...but it was unlike anything seen before.

The inside glowed! The settlers marveled at the frightening thing as Jack began to explain. He had hollowed out the inside and placed within it a brightly burning candle, then on the face of the pommekin, carved a pair of evil looking eyes and a wide, jagged mouth. Light and a pommekin, the phantom's two fears, together in one!

Well, the villagers were astonished, and there was no argument: they set to work immediately, hollowing out pommekins, gathering candles, and carving the most horrific faces they could think of onto the fruits. Then they placed them around the outside of their village and around their homes, so the night glowed with the fitfully flickering lights of hundreds of small candles.

And that night...was silent. As was the day after." Jahzara smiled and she opened her mouth wide, allowing her voice to carry loudly over the people sitting around her. "The settlers had won! The phantoms never visited again, except to creep along the edges of the village, snarling but unable to cause any harm. The candle-filled pommekins were called Jack O' Lanterns in honor of their creator. Years later Darkwood Hollow would be tame enough for the lanterns to not be needed, and that, my dears, is how our beloved Lanturnaucht came about."

The storyteller stood abruptly, fixing her listeners with bright, knowing eyes. With a small chuckle Jahzara swept away, her skirts swirling about her ankles, and she was lost in the darkness once again.


That isn't all we have to reveal tonight!

Our older Lanturn Draklaita has been revamped!

There were none of these pets in existence before, let's see if the lovely revamp changes any minds!

~Mistic Team 

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Raffle and Feed Pal Winners!
Posted: October 9, 2016


The Weekly Raffle has come to a close, and we are very happy to announce the latest super lucky Misticans!!


Congratulations to Seme, who has won 1st place this week!
And also to Wonderland, who has won 2nd place this week!

Seme has won a October Grace!

OR the MC pot of 14,961,100 MC!
Be sure to mail Pandoria to let her know of your choice!

Congratulations to our 2nd place winner Wonderland! They will also receive a September Grace!!
Pandoria will contact you soon, after the first placew winner makes their selection.

Be sure to head on over to purchase your tickets now for a chance to win big! Remember, there are two chances to win every Sunday!!

Well done to our feed pal winners! They were:
rdolphingirl with 14 fed
Red with 11 fed
Eggzorcist with 6 fed

We would also like to take this weekly newspost to remind our members of some useful tips and links to help make your gameplay more enjoyable!

Weekly Game Schedule Wednesday!
All games: Distorted Pix, Trivia, W/W Am I?, Totally Random, and Giveaway will be updated each Wednesday.
Giveaway will also randomly update, so be sure to check in periodically!

Also, have you met Daily?

Visit Daily every day to help remind you of all the fun and interesting activities here in Mistica!

~Mistic Team.


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Jade Emporium & Legacy Token!
Posted: October 7, 2016

Feeling Lucky?
Better be in a festive mood if you want to visit Monty this month!
 He's got all kinds of items, if you are willing to pay the price...


Congratulations to our Legacy Token winner!
They have won a Phoenix Phelocan Grace

And 100 mp!!!

Hold on to you tokens this month to win a combo pack!
Both a Phantom and Lanturn Pandoria Box!

~Mistic Team

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The Tale Continues
Posted: October 5, 2016

Jahzara arranged herself once more by her archaic fire pit, pulling at and smoothing out her colorful, voluminous skirts as she sat. The woman was quite aware of the eyes glued to her as listeners began gathering again, all eager for the rest of Lanturnaucht’s tale. Jahzara fixed them all with a sly little smile and spoke.


“Last I left you,” she began, her low, hypnotic voice carrying easily, so every ear heard clearly, “our story had barely begun. Phantoms were terrorizing the innocent, new settlers of Darkwood Hollow. They had conquered their fear of the daylight and were not restricting their attacks to the moonlit hours anymore. Settlers found themselves pelted with pommes every hour of the day; it was relentless, merciless…yet no one had risen up to fight back.” Jahzara’s smile widened; she paused, letting her words bury themselves deeper into her audience’s minds.

“Then a young Mistican named Jill was struck hard on the head with a clockwork pomme. Her older brother, Jack, became enraged at the unprovoked attack. His sister was sweet, docile…and how dare anyone, he thundered, attack her!” Jahzara’s voice had risen powerfully, but then her volume suddenly dropped. Her listeners leaned in closer. “Impulsive and angry, Jack hefted a pommekin and hurled it at the cackling phantom with all his strength - and it drove the creature away!

The cause…well, no one could really understand it, but it seemed that the phantoms feared pommekins. Jack concocted a brilliant plan…and prepared to address the entire group of settlers - the lone, brave soul willing to stand up for the beaten down Misticans.” And Jahzara stopped there, much to her audience’s consternation. She simply smiled her serene, mysterious little smile at their protests and outbursts, standing gracefully and smoothing out her skirts once again, obviously preparing to leave. “I will be back with the ending tomorrow,” she said, “so use this time to think on what I have already said.” With that, Jahzara turned and swept away from the fire, swallowed by darkness.

~Mistic Team

Be sure to read below about this month's credit and vending updates! 

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Happy October!
Posted: October 5, 2016

Vending is brand new!

What will your luck bring you?


The credit shop has been updated for the fall with some sppoky and fun graphics! Be sure to check it out!


Last years vending items have been added to the credit shop, along with some Lanturnacht Favorites!


Need a reminder for the Monarch Tag?

Congratulations to Vertrose!
You have won your choice of October Pandoria Box!
Please mail Zarabeythe your choice!


A big thank you to our Champion Supporters!
We have a gift this October!

Enjoy this wearable pal!

Happy October!

~Mistic Team
(Yearly Champs will have their gifts this evening. The rest will follow tomorrow, and as they are activated gifts will be sent out during mod shifts.) 

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Pirate Farewell
Posted: October 5, 2016

“I don’t want you to go.”

“You know I have to.”

The waves crashed against the hull of Cordelia’s ship, before surging back to the shore. The distance between wood and sand would only get larger; Anemone knew this, and Cordelia did too. They each wondered if their longing, their pain, was equal. They each knew it was.

Dawn’s sunlight glinted against Cordelia’s scarf and Anemone’s new black pearl necklace. Which brought back memories of the night that had been too much too short. Where Anemone’s shops were closed, and both girls celebrated their treasure haul in front of a bonfire, holding each other close; whispering promises and pointing out constellations that they’d both see no matter how far Anemone travelled.

Drowsiness had come too soon. Dawn had broken too early. Cordelia had to leave much, much too soon.

“Maybe you could come with me; my crew would love you,” Cordelia paused, smiled. “Not as much as I do, though.”

Anemone’s eyes widened, and despite her sadness, her heart fluttered. Perhaps she could…

She shook her head and reached over to grab Cordelia’s hand. “I’d love to… but I can’t. Not right now. After all, I do have two shops to run now-“

“Get Daniel-San to run them. Your clients probably wouldn’t mind reeking of fish anyway.” Anemone stared at Cordelia, eyes wide, before bursting into laughter, which was followed by Cordelia joining her heartily.

“Besides, I don’t think I’m quite ready for ship work yet, and before you argue, I know you aren’t the type to give anyone a free ride. Not even a girlfriend.”

“True, not even my beautiful girlfriend.” Anemone blushed, fingers traveling up to fiddle with her new pearls, a constant reminder of Cordelia’s affection. She knew their status, but it was nice to hear it, to say it out loud. Like something else that needed to be said.

“Cordelia, I-”

“COOOOOOOORDELIAAAAAAA” Jack trudged up to them, hands on his hips, a scowl marring his face. He glared around at the girls’ treasure haul, which was much larger than what Jack had managed to collect. Daniel-San puttered around behind him, repeatedly polishing the decorated bottle he held – his reward for getting involved and a new lucky centerpiece for his shop.


“Ye think this be fair then, Cordelia.” Jack was still scowling. Cordelia and Anemone hauled themselves to their feet, matching postures as they crossed their arms.

“I know it be – all’s fair in piracy.” Anemone smiled at the rhyme; love had made her girlfriend a poet. Cordelia and Jack continued arguing, Dan was wandering around awkwardly; everyone was distracted. Anemone saw her chance.

Cordelia’s arguing was cut short as Anemone bent down to plant a kiss on the pirate’s cheek, whispering something in her ear. The Pirate's hands froze in the rude gesture she was making towards Jack to reach up and touched her cheek. Then she regained her composure.

“This all be my treasure, and yet none of it matches the greatest treasure of all. Which you’ll never have.” She waved a hand dismissively at Jack before turning to Anemone, pulling her down for another kiss. Which was too short. So they had another, despite Jack’s looking away and Dan’s weak attempts to hide his blushing.

After all, it had to last until Cordelia returned.


~Mistic Team

(There will be multiple news posts this evening!)

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Gather Round...
Posted: October 4, 2016

The reclusive Jahzara has decided to grace us Misticans with her eerie appearance once again to tell the story of Lanturnaucht. She settled down around an old fashioned fire pit, her eyes almost glowing in the fitful orange light. A small, knowing little smile played across her face as she watched the listeners gather around her.

“Once again,” she began in a low voice, almost a whisper, so everyone’s ears pricked and they leaned in closer, “I’ve come to regale you with the tale of Lanturnaucht - there are new faces from last year, after all…” She smiled slightly wider. “My telling will, I believe, be shorter this time, so mind you listen closely.” Her voice hadn’t raised at all, but something in her eyes said she meant every word as though it’d been shouted.

“Darkwood Hollow,” she continued in a louder voice that seemed to resound around her, enrapturing her audience, “was not always so tame. When the first settlers came here years ago, years before Lanturnaucht was even thought of, it was a treacherous place for those who…did not belong. Your forefathers faced many perils to make even our small part of the woods safe, and one of them brought about this celebration.

Phantoms were terrorizing the humble settlers, you see. Their home had not been abused in any manner but they seemed to find it…entertaining…to come out in the dead of night, when the air was chill and the forest floor was black, the moonlight blocked by the forest’s thick, leafy canopy. The phantoms would take handfuls of pommes from the trees and hurl them mercilessly…many of the settlers took injuries because of it, and they would wake every morning to see their small wooden cabins damaged - sometimes partly caved in - from the constant barrage of pommes. This only happened at night; the phantoms seemed to fear the sunrise, and for this the settlers were grateful.” Here Jahzara paused, her bright eyes fixing those before her with a hard, piercing stare to be sure they were paying attention.

“But soon the phantoms conquered the light,” she said in almost a whisper, and the eyes of her audience widened, “and the settlers found themselves trapped, facing the terrors both day and night.” She fell silent and her smirk deepened. “And here…is where I leave you, for now,” she said finally, chuckling in a knowing sort of way, confident her audience would come back for more.

Comment below with your favorite Lanturnacht NPC, and favorite part of Lanturnacht and be entered to win your choice of a Phantom or Lanturn Pandoria Box!

~Mistic Team 

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Misticans Beware!
Posted: October 3, 2016



The imps may be having their fun, and the monthly posts will continue soon! But in the meantime, the Phantom and Lanturn Pandoria Boxes are back in the credit shop. Remember, they are only available in October!

Jahzara will be telling her Lanturnacht tale soon as well!

~Mistic Team 

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Haunting October...
Posted: October 2, 2016

You hear hoofbeats, the rattle of wooden wheels on the worn cobblestone, shadows gather upon the earth. Through dead trees lit by the waning, dying light of a crescent moon: you are not alone.... 

A new apparition appears, strikingly different than any other creature you've seen during the Lanturnacht season. Knowing that Pandoria played a role in this, you pray that the creature's intentions are benign, but you can't suppress the shiver that crawls down your spine.

These Graces will be limited this month, and attainable through the purchase of credits, as well as the Raffle. There will be a very limited number available through Monty's shop, once it changes location.

Read the FAQ linked above! 

~Mistic Team
(We are behind due to a forgotten computer while traveling this weekend. We will get all caught up in the next couple of days!) 

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Raffle and Feed Pal Winners!
Posted: October 2, 2016


The Weekly Raffle has come to a close, and we are very happy to announce the latest super lucky Misticans!!

Congratulations to Red, who has won 1st place this week!

And also to glamourgirl, who has won 2nd place this week!

Red has won a September Grace!

OR the MC pot of 10,604,300 MC!

Be sure to mail Pandoria to let her know of your choice!

Congratulations to our 2nd place winner glamourgirl!
They will also receive a September Grace!!

Pandoria will contact you soon, after the first placew winner makes their selection.

Be sure to head on over to purchase your tickets now for a chance to win big! Remember, there are two chances to win every Sunday!!

Well done to our feed pal winners! They were:
BlueTrillium with 12 fed
Snowwall with 10 fed
rdolphingirl with 9 fed

We would also like to take this weekly newspost to remind our members of some useful tips and links to help make your gameplay more enjoyable!

Weekly Game Schedule

All games: Distorted Pix, Trivia, W/W Am I?, Totally Random, and Giveaway will be updated each Wednesday.

Giveaway will also randomly update, so be sure to check in periodically!

Also, have you met Daily?

Visit Daily every day to help remind you of all the fun and interesting activities here in Mistica!

~Mistic Team.

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