Revelry run amok?

I would not get too close if I were you...

Watch out this Lanturnacht... I would not want to run into these two in the dark!

Spring fever? Looks like much more...Here comes the Apocalyptic Anya!

So near to Lanturnacht, the Apocalyptic Braenon has been sighted and it looks a little hungry...

Could be the flu, or something else... Be vigilant at night, and run the other way if you happen to see the Apocalyptic Belragoth or Apocalyptic Kratork coming your way!

These two creatures have been sighted in the vicinity, watch out for yourself and your pets, and you might want to uh.. turn in before dark!

WARNING! There have been reports that the infection has spread to the Zokuleon! Be careful in your reveling, and keep your eyes peeled for...

Quari Day celebrations had an unintended effect, the virus has spread!

Better stay indoors tonight Mistica. Something seems to have affected this poor cheran. He isn�t acting like himself�

Even the happy Tarinooki are not safe from them menace!

This is one to be feared...

Beware the apocalypse... It comes upon us fast!

The FIRST wave...