Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 36
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

This Month in Mistica: June '12
Written By Caustic

This Month in Mistica is a quick guide to everything that’s happened on site in the past month. Whether you’re new and want a better idea of what goes on here, an older user who’s returning, or simply too lazy to read the news, this article has all -- okay, most -- of the information you need!


First, a congratulations to the Art, Writing and Poetry Contest winners: Setsuna, Myth, Dotty; Myth, Jeshikakitty, black_shadow; Xiscorr, Jeshikakitty and Myth! And don’t forget to visit the Library in Kingdom Village, as six new books were published!


June started off with new items in the Vending Machine and the oh so lovely June Kohal! Queen Boreal, as usual, kicked out a few of her creations and Kohals were available for creation.


On the 4th we all got excited for the account clearings! Thousands of names were free for the taking, and the Credit Shop even had a sale on Pet Slot Coins, Pet Name Tags and User Name Tags.


The 5th saw Seht’s power begin to lift from Mistica. It turns out we’re all pretty good at coming together during a crisis, as the Great Chocosheep Invasion of 2012 showed. Pandoria was nearly recovered as well, and so to save face, Seht lifted the curse completely and disappeared.


To celebrate Pandoria’s strength returning, the goddess released the Voodoo Ricket the very next day!


With the shops organized again, Arielle was able to release two new sets of Eledon and Ricket plushies two days later.


And more new items came out on the 12th! Arielle and Kandie’s shelves were full of Gourix-themed plushies and sweets.


On the 14th the new contests were announced and voting for the previous ones opened. And then that night, the lovely Zodiac Quari appeared amongst Mistica’s stars!


Father’s Day was the 17th and to celebrate a new pal, the Ramme, was released in the Giveaway. The Mistical Dyad Egg also made an appearance in the Credit Shop.


On the 19th Ben got a whole set of new Ricket beanbags!


The 21st was Ixyra’s birthday! Jeremy celebrated with a new plushie that might not be quite as cuddly as his others.


Friday’s Development Log gave us updates as usual, with more hints about the upcoming battle release as well. New Field Notes stationery was also released to the Credit Shop.


The next day, the magic of daydreams and nightmares began affecting Harubas.


On the 26th, Tormic began stocking Daydream and Nightmare pals again to meet popular demand. Things in the forest have been peaceful, and hopefully this move doesn’t anger the Imp king or the royal Sprite twins!


The 29th saw the shadows of Darkwood Hollow coming alive again. King Mephitic sent out his deadly trio of spies – the Triskull – but who his target is, we don’t know…


June was certainly eventful! A dark god played a nasty trick on us all and now the imps are up to something. Maybe July will have some answers?


Written By Capnharris

cool :) really interesting

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