Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 3
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Written By Hominid

It seems that, even in the wake of pranking wars and angered goddesses, some people never stop being enterprising. Doctor C.F. Malcraft, a current resident of Ravi-Sorin and author of several other allegedly opprobrious books, happens to be one of those people, as has been shown by his recent publishing of a new book. Dramatically named The Devilkin, Malcraft's newest book attempts to explore the roots of imp society through analyses of various folk tales. The introductory chapter has such gems as the following:

"Tales from the much more open Sprite society telling of shadowkin and dark beings date back far before any written record of either society can be accounted for. The earliest are morbid, violent stories of people being kidnapped in the dark, forest creatures being harmed in an assortment of ways, and anything else a dark imagination could come up with. This leads to the conclusion that even while the sprite civilization was beginning to form what is considered 'civilized' today, the imps were far behind and still animalistic in violence.

"This can lead to the conclusion that the imp culture is still far behind that of the sprites in terms of civility. Indeed, as tales grow older, the only change seems to be a shift from brutal attacks to thievery and frivolous mischief.

"In fact only within the last few decades have the imps themselves stopped being regarded as faceless haunts of the night. This may be because of the apparent structuring of their species into something of a monarchy, or simply due to the advances of the outside world."

The book has been met with some opposition by other enthusiasts of researching the imps, one such critic saying it "painted [the imps] as a backwater, savage race, which despite the recent outbreak is entirely incorrect."

Dr. Malcraft has only acknowledged such criticisms by saying that the majority of people behind them are terribly biased or only looking for some attention, calling to attention the similar attacks on his past works (which examined the gradual shift of animal behaviors using similar methods). He has yet, however, to answer questions as to why no direct input from the imps is featured in the book beyond answers in previously made statements regarding the imps' overall reluctance to peacefully interact with outside species.

The book has continued to sell nicely enough in its first week. A variety of things can be attributed to this, including the notoriously unconventional author and the recent hype in interest about the sylvan residents. Regardless, the book and a way to contact Dr. Malcraft are both available in your local bookstore.


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