Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 1

puredream Winning Entry

“Luvstynks!” is all I used to say,
When I happened upon a sweet Raye,
Of two Luvbirds embrace.
I never thought I was saving face.
“Luvstynks!” is what I used to bray. //

“How Misfortunate!” is all I used to crow.
To Coddle is an all time low.
A disease - I was convinced - of Hartwurms.
You would never hear my heart murms.
“How Misfortunate!” I stated, rightly so. //

“What a MisHap!” is all I used to laugh.
To call her Luvbug is so daft!
I would never give her some Sugar.
I told my friends you ate boogers.
“What a MisHap!” I scoffed on love’s behalf. //

“Why so Hartless?” is all you used to ask.
Persuading me of Puppylove was not an easy task.
Certainly, though, you are a Beaut.
Closer to you - any time - I’ll happily scoot.
“Why so Hartless?” I wondered at last. //

“Luvstynks!” is all I used to say.
Forgive my change of heart, I pray.
Now it is coated and draped all Fuzzy,
In a feeling that is anything, but uneasy.
“Luvstynks!” is what I’ll never say.