Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 1

Chandler Winning Entry

The Springtime Season

Standing high among the rolling hills,
I gaze in pleasure at a beautiful and entrancing scene.
Without warning it slows and stills,
A frozen display of new life and sleepy green.

In perplexity, I look up to see two eyes of icy blue,
Hiding in their depth an endless sea-
The past that this world knew,
All that it knows, and all that it will ever be.

The owner of those eyes extends Her hand,
And without a word, at Her command,
I open my mind and my soul to feel the life of Her world-
The pulse of her heart, the glory of her being.

Spring, I now know like never before,
Is a season for grass to grow and birds to soar.
It is a time for beauty, life, and joy to increase.
It is time for all of Mistica to be at peace.