Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 80
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Lyra's News Report
Written By Xeiana

For those of you are just joining us, this is Lyra from Mistic News Channel 3! We are on the scene of the most intense pillow fight Mistica has ever known! We have been traveling the cities and villages to document every individual fight we can, but here in this town, we have followed rumors on how this all began.

The camera begins to slide sideways at two Misiticans running from something on the ground. Lyra gives a small cough and the camera immediately snaps back to her.

As I was saying, the rumors have been whispered that Erika had thrown the first pillow. Due to the recent faction ‘wars’, including the snowball fight and the food fight I covered last year, their teams banded together to see who could throw the most pillows, and…

Lyra turns to point towards the distance, where three large forts were being built in the fields.

… It seems that forts are being built, not only here, but everywhere else. Those who don’t wish to participate in the fight lurk in the background only to swipe abandoned pillows to create new ones thanks to Punk Bonez’s unusual crafting skills.

A shaky hand enters the camera’s frame and Lyra frowns.

What is it Evan? We’re still live.

Evan cries out and begins to back away.

…? What are you blabbering abou-

Lyra turns and promptly screams as a horde of forgotten Hungry Pillows scoot along the ground towards them, unseen by the rabid pillow throwers. The camera shakes as both Lyra and Evan run to their nearby van.

What are those things? Pillows aren’t supposed to have teeth and scoot around. Evan get us out of here! Oh for Pandoria’s sake, turn the camera off!


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