Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 78
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Erelenmeyer Case Notes
Written By Dr. Erlenmeyer

Animafungi misticus and Animafungi oozium
Common Names: Mushie and Flushie.
Plural: Mushies, Flushies 

Habitat: Darkwood Hollow is their natural habitat, although some are occasionally seen wandering Rordon Village and Kingdom Village. They are only known to actually grow in the Hollow itself, particularly under the Pomme tree where young Mushies and Flushies can easily develop with the aid of rotting pommes.

Diet: Can digest pretty much any organic matter but due to a lack of teeth soft decaying matter is easiest, particularly for Mushies. Flushies seem to be able to expedite decay through the noxious ooze they secrete. Captive specimens are fond of ice cream and mashed potatoes. Both species are also are known to get sick trying to digest trash.

Behaviour: Mushies are slow moving and friendly, but can put up a tougher guise if threatened, or if a Flushie is threatened. Flushies are much faster moving, but also much smaller. Both are actually toxic for most species to consume, however some creatures with "iron stomachs" treat them as a delicacy. However, no species is able to stomach the Flushie's toxic ooze. Unlike many misticpals, which like to seek companion in pets or other misticpals of the same species, Mushies and Flushies seem to be most content hanging out with one of each other. This may be due to a symbiotic relationship where the larger Mushie can ward off predators while the Flushie can use ooze to break down food for both creatures. Interestingly enough, during initial growth the opposite is the case, as stationary Flushies ooze in excess and prevent predators from getting close to themselves and the stationary Mushies.

Mushies are one of the most easily domesticated misticpals due to their slow movements and friendly disposition. Once Mushies were domesticated, their cousins, the Flushies, were close behind, since they will trust whoever their Mushie companions trust. It is considered bad for your Mushie or Flushie’s mental wellbeing to keep them in an environment away from their counterpart. However, when kept together they are easy to maintain and feed, and many Misticans are delighted with how much keeping a Mushie and Flushie pair helps speed up their compost attempts. Mushies, as long as a Flushie is nearby, are great companions to any pet. Flushies, on the other hand, are better kept to older or more experienced pets, as younger pets might be harmed by the toxic ooze.

Variants: Both Mushies and Flushies have Nightmare and Daydream counterparts. Nightmare Mushies and Flushies should be avoided by all by the most skilled Misticans, and at the very least a gasmask should be worn around this dangerous pair due to the cloud of gas produced by the Mushies. The Daydream duo is much less dangerous, and even the Flushie is harmless: any ooze produced tastes gross but is non-toxic. Due to their ability to fly, they do not need the defenses normal Flushies need. There is a rare Oceanic Mushie without a Flushie friend to be seen, but this Mushie has adapted to produce bubbles that passing fish and Misticans enjoy playing with and watching, and so does not suffer from loneliness despite lacking its cousin. It is unsure how this Oceanic Mushie evolved on its own, and perhaps an Oceanic Flushie will eventually be found


Written By Tara


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