Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 65
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Slushie Quest, Part 6
Written By Fallout

The sun began to go down once more. What little bit of warmth it once gave was certainly gone now. The pair huddled in the bottom of the hole together to stay warm as they thought over their situation. They couldn't climb out. Powderpuff had no arms to climb and everytime Sebastian grabbed onto the side to try to climb out himself, a clump of snow would break off in his flipper. A large flock of arctic skillow seemed to have moved in just to watch their amusing escape attempt. They could hear the swoop of their wings as they flew overhead to observe them.

“Squeak, squeak?” Powderpuff asked.

“I don't know...” he sighed. “But I'm hungry. Maybe a little bit of brain food might help us come up with a solution.” He dug through his pockets for the pair of sandwiches that he'd brought with him and offered Powderpuff the cinnamon and marshmallow fluff one while he kept the tuna paste for himself.

They were just about to bite in when they heard the fluttering of wings. Looking up they saw about a dozen pairs of eyes looking down at them their heads tilted expectantly. The arctic skillows above chirped a happy tune and stared intently at the food in their grasp. An idea occurred to Sebastian. He ripped a corner off of his sandwich and held it out in his flipper. A skillow landed on it and snatched the piece before flapping his little wings and fluttering off. Within seconds they were surrounded by the entire flock, all of them chirping loudly and excitedly, hoping to get some of the same generous offering that their friend had just received.

“Powderpuff, I know how we're going to get out of here!” Sebastian said excitedly. “Quick, offer them your sandwich!”

“Squeak squeak?” Powderpuff asked.

“When the skillows get close enough, grab onto their little birdie feets and hold on tight!” Sebastian replied to the poof's inquiry.

They quickly ripped their sandwiches up into little manageable pieces and held them before them. The happy little skillows, delighted that they were being offered food, flooded the trap with flapping wings, flying feathers, and nipping little beaks that tickled as they greedily devoured the proffered sandwiches. Before they could fly off again and leave them stranded once more, the pair grabbed onto their little birdie feets and held on as the flock lifted them from the hole. They let go once they were once again held over solid ground and fell with a tumble onto the snow below.

The skillows chirped and hopped around them, hoping that they might have more food. Unfortunately Sebastian only had two sandwiches on him or he might have offered them more in gratitude.

“Squeaky squeak!” Powderpuff said excitedly as he ran in a happy little circle.

“Now all we have to do is find out where The Shadow went and retrieve our map,” Sebastian stated thoughtfully. “But where are we?”

“Squeak?” Powderpuff said. Sebastian watched him trot forward through the snow, his little shoes jingling with each hop and skip, until he stopped in front of a large rock. Powderpuff spun around and beamed proudly.

“Powderpuff, you're brilliant!” Sebastian shouted with pleasure.

Powderpuff had just found the rock shaped like a popsicle with a bite taken out of it.

Will they catch up with The Shadow? Will they get their map back and find the Golden Slushie before he does? How exactly does a poof do any of that without arms or hands anyway? Find out next time on Slushie Quest! Except for that last part. That last part will forever remain one of life's greatest mysteries.


Written By Leptonyx

Awesome little tidbit tokeep us wanting more Fallout. Guess the skillows aren't the only ones getting little offerings.

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