Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 28
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

This Month in Mistica: October '11
Written By Caustic

This Month in Mistica is a quick guide to everything that’s happened on site in the past month. Whether you’re new and want a better idea of what goes on here, an older user who’s returning, or simply too lazy to read the news, this article has all -- okay, most -- of the information you need! 

A little chill swept over Mistica this month. Spring left in the flurry of a royal wedding and now Jasper is here!


First, congratulations to the Art contest winner, Stick, and the 1st and 2nd place Poetry winners, Unnamed and Skyleigh!


October started off with the release of the much coveted Phantom and Lanturn Pandoria Boxes, now only available for one month. The usual Treasure Box and items were released, and the Vending Machine was restocked as well.


On the 3rd we celebrated all those crazy Jumboyo pets that poor Tatenda has to put up with every day. Books, plushies, exotic foods, toys and wearables were all released in their honor!


Two days later Rosebud got a shipment of Anya Tails for your Legendary to wear. We also saw a new Pomme, the iPomme, a tribute to the genius of the late Steve Jobs.


The next day picked up the celebrations as Jasper and his circus opened for business for Lanturnaucht!


On the 8th, Lance and Rosebud each got enormous shipments of new Legendary wearables, and Feron conjured up some glittery Sprite Wings! If you’re looking for a new hairdo, grab a Mistic Clips Bag from the Credit Shop; nine new styles were released!


Rosebud’s shop was inundated on the 11th with girly, lacy goodness: the Dark and Pink Lolita Tags! If you’re trying to gross out your friends, however, you might want to try her new Oozing Brains or Scars.


The next day saw an Obsideon release! Jahzara made an appearance to start her yearly Lanturnaucht tale, but it was a little overshadowed by the new Phantom Gourix and Lanturn Frodrinn.


On the 13th her story continued, and Moderator applications opened.


And the next day Jahzara finished her Lanturnaucht legend. We also celebrated the birthdays of CaptainZebra and ForeverJaded, with an Atomic Microscope and Rice Kitty released just for them!


On the 15th Jasper came to us asking for help finding the tombstone pieces for his poor pets lost to the Chamber of Evil. Trick-or-treating began, and the forums also got a new “Thank” feature.


Two days later, we see Albrecht sulking outside his Chamber, too scared of Jasper’s wrath to open it. Quite a few of Mistica’s shopkeepers decided to take up the slack, with a bunch of spooky new items released! The Phantom Haruba was also released.


On the 18th, new contests opened!


Jasper was still brooding on the 19th, his prize tent closed. Lance released a new “Rocker” line of clothing to keep us all occupied though, along with some colorful shoes.


The 21st saw a change in the Jinx. Albrecht finally made peace with Jasper, and his prize tent opened again with the Chamber to soon follow. Officer Coppa had reports of sick pets though, so maybe it was too early to celebrate (unless you like zombies).


The next day the Chamber opened! New prizes were hidden away inside for the brave (or foolish) to find, and Zaffy received some adorable Mini Mummies!


With Jasper’s Lanturnaucht spirit returned, he came out with new prizes for us all to obsess over. Rosebud decided that the holiday couldn’t be complete without costumes and so more wearables were released to her shop.


On the 25th, the Lanturn Kratork and Phantom Cheran were released, and then the Phantom Zokuleon on the 27th. The next day two new Phantom pets (Zisscor and Izabel) and two Lanturn pets (Panju and Draklaita) showed up just in time for Lanturnaucht!


On the eve of the holiday trick-or-treating times were reduced, and the Phantom Quari and Lanturn Aetra were released.


And finally, Lanturnaucht arrived! Trick-or-treating started winding down and Albrecht warned that the Chamber was getting ready to close for the year (hopefully no one got stuck in there). The lovely Jinx had their day with a species release, the new Oceanic Jinx, and wearable Jinx Earrings!


Hopefully all that candy hasn’t gotten you too full; November is coming, and that means a feast!


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