Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 22
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Ask the Moone: June Edition
Written By Valkyrie

Introducing Moone, your personal answer Braenon! To be included in this help column you just need to send Moone a message through Valkyrie's Mistic mail or participate in the forum located in Mistic Chat.

Oppey's pet Reality had this to ask:
Reality: How do you put up with THREE little siblings around all the time?

Dear Reality,
Have you considered selling them, eating them or putting them up for adoption? Unfortunately, I know from experience that sentimental parents frown on that type of activity. Short of digging a hole, stocking it with fig newtons, Mist Bars and hiding out until they leave home, you may be in for a rough time of it. My sincere sympathies.

Jill's Kirda had this to ask:
Kirda approaches the great Moone with his sword resting on his shoulder as a baseball player would do with their bats. He stops and grins a bit and asks,
"Say, Kirda wants to know when you gunna fix the battle portal and make me stronger opponents? See this sword, it's been thirsty for awhile and wants Kirda to battle but cannot quench its thirst on measly opponents." He tips his head forward slightly with a bow . "Kirda would appreciate any news on this."

After reading this query, Moone lays aside her pencil. She appears animated though sitting very still; her antennae twitch. You can see thoughts flitting across her face, there is an obvious debate going on inside her well-formed head. Moone shifts uncomfortably and for the first time you realize she is sitting on an inflatable doughnut; not only that, but she sports an eye patch. Then, the debate appears to end and with a flourish she takes pencil in hand once more.
Dear Kirda,
I investigated this issue for some time. It took me (naturally) to the Battle Portal. The current opponents were tight lipped to the point of rudeness! (It`s a good thing I have the psychological hide of a mandoran) Soon though, a covert hint led me into the neighboring woods where I encountered a high walled enclosure. Sounds of fierce battle could be heard, a cloud of dust hung in the air. Snarls accompanied by the ring of steel on steel and the lightening colored flashes of cast spells brought me closer. I pressed an eager eye to a handy peephole and was confronted by...a face full of mace. Officer Coppa escorted me back to the main road and delivered a swift kick to my backside, shouting, “And don't come back!" I believe that I have exhausted the avenues at my disposal but rest assured, this brae will keep an eye (two as soon as the patch comes off) on what appears to be a promising story.

This was submitted anonymously by a dear friend:
Dear Moone,
How does one recover from watching a zombie movie (partially against one's will)? What can one do to sleep well again and chase the nightmares away? (And not keep jumping at random sounds).
Thank you.
Scared of the Dark (*sheepish grin*)

Dear Scared of the Dark,
Maybe sleep with a big stick? Hmmm, perhaps muttering Zombie jokes until you go to sleep? Here's a few to get you started!
How do you know a zombie is tired?
He's dead on his feet.
What did the zombie eat after its teeth were pulled out?
The dentist.
What's black and white and dead all over?
A zombie in a tuxedo.
I never said they were funny...

Donutty's Clumsy had this to ask (with a broad grin):
Will I ever get a Baby Pandoria box?

]Dear Clumsy,
In a community full of gifting ninjas and generous sprites it is almost assured. Unless of course, Donutty takes a wild notion and uses an Apocalyptic Box on you, in which case you may not get invited to many parties. Mindlessly drooling on the sandwiches is a definite no-no in social circles.

*Pretzel`s Eleyona strolls awkwardly up to Moone*
How on earth can I convince my sisters to give some of their prized shinies to me? *giggles*

Dear Shiny Monger,
You have at your disposal a considerable arsenal. Blackmail, strong arm tatics and blatant begging may actually work. I would advise that before you go to these extremes, a letter should be composed with instruction that it be sent to the authorities in the event that you have an "accident." Siblings can be very protective of all things shiney.


Written By Skyleigh

XD Shiny Monger! lol. Nice idea, Kyrie! :)

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