Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 18
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

How to Haggle
Written By Caustic

With the new haggling system now in place, it's easier than ever to make profits off of quests and your user shop! Saving even a few MC per item can add up to a lot, and I know that for me, it's been a wonderful addition.

However, this system also requires some strategy to really make it work. If you don't think about it first, you'll end up wasting a lot of time, paying more than you wanted, and feeling frustrated.

Should You Haggle?
It seems sort of ironic considering this article is about haggling, but there comes a time and a place for it. Haggling takes more time than just typing in the item's base price and in that time, you could lose it to another user or shop restock.

If the item is in high demand -- keep in mind rarity does not necessarily equal high demand -- then to be safe, save time and don't try to get a rock-bottom price. If the item costs 3,337mc I would go the quick, easy way and simply type in 3,333; you save four mc and pretty much guarantee yourself the item.

Otherwise, haggling is the best way to go. If you're just restocking your shop or doing a quest and the item is not a particularly popular one, go ahead and waste a few seconds to save some mc.

Starting to Haggle
Once you've decided that haggling is the best option, you have to find a way to get your item as quickly and cheaply as possible. I find that the cost of an item gives you a clue as to how far down you can haggle -- for example, you could get a 500-800mc discount on normally priced super rare items, but only 150mc on an uncommon one.

If you're not in a rush, my advice is to make your first offer really low; this establishes a baseline and, hey, there's a small chance it could be accepted! If it's rejected (and it probably will be), I suggest upping your offer in increments of 25-100mc. If your previous offer was super low, make the next offer a lot higher; if you feel you're getting close to being accepted, however, you can add a smaller amount.

Make your offers quick and easy to type as well. You don't need to subtract an exact amount from an item's base price; this takes way too much time and effort and probably won't pay off anyway. Using the least amount of different numbers will speed up the haggling process (for example, if an item costs 2,346mc, offer 2,200, or even 2,000 if you want to take a chance).

Keep in mind that shopkeepers can be fickle, and so you may find that you only get a very small discount when you expected bigger. I've bought items of the same rarity, priced similarly, from the same shop and had very different haggling results with each one. This isn't terribly common but it does happen.

Remember the strategies and tips listed here, and have fun saving!


Written By Wain


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