Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 18
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

The Missing Cookie
Written By Baineshee

 Missing cookie

A true mystery story, this thriller novel of the young Tarinooki in search of his missing cookie in The Missing Cookie! is a timeless tale of adventure and longing for chocolate chip goodness. Cookie is realistic in every facet, from the cunning thievery of the desert to the hunt for revenge. Recent critiques acclaim this newly recent reviewed book as a “tale for all ages that will be good forever,” from the mouth of Gaelic.

“Genuine,” is a grudgingly positive review from Hypocrite, but with the thought, “…sans the summary, which gives away the mystery. All through the book, the mystery remains until the very end… simply ruins the entire idea.”

The most renowned section of The Missing Cookie! is undeniably the fierce and vivid dialogues, creating a clear and realistic idea of the story. As follows is an excerpt from Cookie, chosen by the newest critic of the News Team, Scribble.

            “Isn’t it a simple matter of following the clues? What about a trail of cookie crumbs, or paw prints left by the culprit? There must be something left!”
            The young tarinooki paced before his female haruba friend, shaking his head in denial. “No, that will never work. The thief and
murderer of my beloved cookie covered his work too well. Finding out who committed such a heinous crime is going to be hard work.”
            The haruba yawned lightly and licked her lips, looking obviously bored. “Whatever. Count me out.”

“Hidden in plain sight… pure genius,” exclaimed Forever on the topic of the cookie theif, the only words retrievable from the Wintercursed Stig before he buried his nose in the book once more, mumbling about sneaky cats and cookie crumbs.

“Backwards,” Sleepless exclaimed twitchily, muttering about manga style. “B-but good for a published story. Y-yes, good.”

Every author or poet exclaims about the genius of the mystery made by a simple trail of cookie crumbs that lead to a murderer hidden in plain sight. Even the negative comments from the darker poets in the light of a children to adult story still have light and merit for some part of the cookie novel, from the writing style to the idea.

Even from the mouth of dark poet Pen, the critique is positive, encouraging. “The imagery used by the main character… amazing. Could do with… a bit more blood, but what can you do.”

An all time best seller forever and always, every critic recommends this book as “a must read—at least once!” (Ryu)

“I should have known it was you all along!”


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