Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 14
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Channel 9 News
Written By Roxanne

Welcome to Mistica Channel 9 News. This is Lyra Lirionox, reporting. Today we received a MisticMail from a user, who wishes to remain anonymous, who warns about the dangers of Mistica's pets who have been touched by Pandoria's essence.

She writes;

'Dear Channel 9 News,

' I am mailing about the growing violent and or dark tendencies of Mistica's pets. After reading a concerning article on boxed pets, I've done some conclusive research. ' Individuals who have been "boxed" colors such as Inferno, Phantom, Nightmare, Terror, or Lanturn tend to show sadistic, morbid, destructive, and, bluntly, often dangerous, behaviors. I have observed many of these qualities developing in my pets and the pets of my friends after use of a Pandoria's Box. My Phantom Lirionox is listless, depressed, and she enjoys scaring people now! My Inferno Ahbruis is temperamental, disobedient, and violent. She was not this way before! Is this what you want in your lifelong companion? '

I call into question the safety of Pandoria's Boxes. And what's more, the number of these pets is on the rise! Dangerous and demonic pets are filling our homes, wandering Mistica, and, in general, wreaking havoc. Is it truly safe to use these Boxes on our companions, our pets?

With concern, Anonymous'

We have looked extensively into this matter, and we have reached an answer... and our answer to that is: yes. It is safe to 'box' your pets in most themes. Many of these pets had these qualities before 'boxing', but were more about them. They didn't show their pleasure in the smell of blood, nor did they express their love of arson. There is evidence of this in the fact that there are many happy pets who have been 'boxed' Terror, Inferno, Phantom, and Lanturn. The only group of pets that actually undergo personality changes is the Nightmare and Apocalyptic theme. Pets which are 'boxed' these themes become depressed, insane, or simply dangerous.

Well viewers? Mail us your opinion for a chance to have your comment featured on the next report. This has been Lyra Lirionox on Mistica Channel 9 News, reporting. Have a good evening, and farewell.


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