Happy - Unstable - Sadistic
1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-.:x-X:.WaYWaRd gLItCh.:X-x:.-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1-0-1
Pet Name: Psychopathic
Owner: Amnesia
Theme / Type: Terminal Jinx
Born: October 31, 2014
Gender: Male
MisticPal Name: C0DE
MisticPal Age: 3173 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 1
Hit Points: 22 / 22
Strength: 20
Defense: 0
Speed: 20
Intellect: 15
Misticpower: 1
Battles Won: 0
Battles Lost: 0
Books Read
Books Read:
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
25/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Albino Pomme
2. - Cactus Drink
3. - Caramel Pomme
4. - Coconut Pomme
5. - Demon Pomme
6. - Desert Pomme
7. - Dried Up Cactus Drink
8. - Flat Top Pomme
9. - Flowering Pomme
10. - Inarbu Pomme
11. - Mangosteen
12. - Noir Pomme
13. - Northern Pomme
14. - Phelocan Pomme
15. - Plushie Pomme
16. - Pommeaid
17. - Pyramid Cake
18. - Rotten Circus Burger
19. - Scarab Soup
20. - Scorpion on a Stick
21. - Tarinooki Pomme
22. - Toxic Pomme
23. - Turkey Leg
24. - Withered Pommekin
25. - Woodland Pomme
.:-xXx---DaMAgEd DATa---xXx-:.
Hi there! Hello! You! Yes, YOU! Can you see me? Can you? Oh you CAN! FINALLY! I's been SO LONG since I had someone to talk to! People don't take much notice of me, I'm just a PROGRAM after all. But I have feelings too! And I get SO LONELY when no one TALKS to me! Will you talk to me? Will you be my friend? What's your name? AH, manners. I'm Psychopathic! Oh wait, no I'm NOT! It's just the name of the PROGRAM! I would not- I would not hurt you, no... I'm GOOD! REALLY! We can be friends, YES? Then you can just call me Psych! That sounds much less THREATENING, doesn't IT? Yes we can be BEST FRIENDS! We will have so much FUN together!
B- But... I'm good, remember that. Okay? I might get a bit WEIRD sometimes. But that's not ME! NO it's NOT! T-That is all HIS fault... I'm good, I don't HURT anybody. But HE DOES, he is BAD! But I CANNOT STOP HIM! So... W-when I start acting kinda... S-Strange... That's HIM. Not ME, I'm GOOD! HE is BAD! But I am GOOD!
By Qarology
------------------------- Program Properties -------------------------
Name: PSYCH0.exe
Nickname: Psychopathic
Full title: Live being emulation
Created: 10/31/2014
Program type: AI - Griffin string subtype
Purpose: New era AI lifeform emulation/personal assistant testing
-Programmed Personality Info-
Age: 20
Sex/Gender: genderless - male
Pronouns: it/he
S.o.: Asexual - Aromantic
Status: Single
Allegiance: None
Alignment: Neutral evil
Personality traits: cheery, goofy, hyper, optimistic, caring, friendly, childish ...._..__0̨͞%̀&̕_.._... demanding, needy, perfectionist, ignorant, manipulative, dishonest, aggressive, violent, unstable, sadistic
Glitches: Psychopathy
-Created as a program for testing new era artificial intelligence. Purpose was to create an accurate simulation of a living being. Testing went well for the first year, PSYCH0.exe developing better than expected.
-The program became "restless" during the last few months. Programmers working with it claimed to be scared of the program's behavior.
-During the last testing day PSYCH0.exe showed excessive "moodswings", switching from friendly to violent. During the "friendlier" stages it kept warning us of "him", an unknown entity which supposedly "makes it do bad things", before the whole system had an emergency shutdown.
-PSYCH0.exe was gone from the system after reboot. Colleagues claim its final moments and warnings resembled someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder. Yet the final recording on this recovered program sheet could be proof of what we've truly accomplished. And PSYCH0.exe was simply a really convincing liar.
Theme song: "Sandblast" - Fox Stevenson
Lyrics quotes:
"We can pretend."
"Must just be a defect of my design."
"I'm not a bad man, even though I do bad things."
"Psychopathy - a carefree life."
- Originally named PSYCH.exe during alpha stage, renamed to PSYCH0.exe for the beta phase
- Name idea came from the programmers who thought its nearly lifelike cheery personality to be "creepy"
- Information sheet is a mix of program as well as programmed personality info
- Information sheet had to be moved onto a separate system due to constant unauthorized changes appearing while it was still on the same system as PSYCH0.exe
- We don't know who thought it would be funny to add a "theme song"
- The personality information from the final reading is equally fascinating and worrying
- A lot of the data on the sheet has not been part of the original programming
- Glitches revealed during final reading, could not be fixed in time
- PSYCH0.exe completely disappeared from its system, its whereabouts remain unknown