The XIIIth Hour
Pet Name: HourXIII
Owner: Amnesia
Theme / Type: Phantom Obsideon
Born: December 4, 2007
Gender: Male
MisticPal Name: Omen
MisticPal Age: 3971 Days
Battle Portal Stats
Level: 2
Hit Points: 4 / 4
Strength: 4
Defense: 4
Speed: 4
Intellect: 5
Misticpower: 1
Exotic Foods Eaten
Foods Eaten:
40/1254 [ View Foods ]
1. - Aetra Pomme
2. - Albino Pomme
3. - Albino Pommekin
4. - Bat Toast
5. - Blush Pomme
6. - Bumpy Gourd
7. - Comeil Pomme
8. - Dark Chocolate Roachiebug Clusters
9. - FaceGlomper
10. - Farmer Pomme
11. - Festive Snowman Lollypop
12. - Fish Fingers and Custard
13. - Flying Pomme
14. - Frosted Heart Cookies
15. - Furry Pomme
16. - Ginger Pommepadour
17. - Haruba Pomme
18. - Inarbu Pomme
19. - Inside-Out Pomme
20. - King Pomme
21. - Mandoran Pomme
22. - Na Pomme
23. - Noir Pomme
24. - Nutty Chocolate Pomme
25. - Overgrowth Pomme
26. - Panju Pomme
27. - Plague Pomme
28. - Pomme Pomme
29. - Pommeaid
30. - Pommegranite
31. - Pyramid Cake
32. - Rainbow Jelly Brain
33. - Spooky Pomme
34. - Sugared Funnel Cake
35. - Weighted Companion Pomme
36. - White Chocolate Pommekin
37. - Witch Taffy
38. - Yehxil Pomme
39. - Zisscor Pomme
40. - Zokuleon Pomme
The 13th Hour
Some say it's only a myth... I know it's not.
Every time I look at this clock, just after the last hour of the day ends and before the first begins, I can see it.
The number 13 burning in my skull.
I never entered the realm, I only see glimpses of it in these moments. But even that is too much.
It is there, the 13th Hour. A realm between that of the living and the dead, once you enter it there is no turning back.
So for a long time I wondered how come he is here. How could he leave? And why did he come here?
Now I understand... He's coming from there... No... He carries the very essence of that realm...
I know...
He is the 13th Hour.
(adopted from Tattoo)
Collection Limit: 4