Added By: Tinessa
I wish you all the best and thanks for letting us know.
Added By: punka
Thanks so much for the update, very glad you chose to keep us in the loop somewhat.
I know we can all relate to RL messing up our interweb lives. If anyone manages to talk to Zara's hubby again,
Added By: punka
Please pass on to Zara, that wenare all with her in spirit and send our love and strength for a speedy recovery..I know first hand what she's going thru...hugs to all the staff
Added By: Sherry
I appreciate the update and wish Zara and everyone on staff the best. I hope things improve quickly for everyone!!!
Added By: Oboe
I hope everything improves for everyone -- thank you for the update.
Added By: Orion
Greatly appreciate the update, and best of wishes to all of the staff. I hope things start looking up for every one.
Added By: Smokefall
Im really sorry to hear. Get well soon, Zara and All.
Added By: Utopia
Thanks for the update!!! RL can be hectic. Hope things will pick up soon in your lives. Zara, we miss you! Sending you daily fairy dust sprinkles your way!Get well soon!!
Added By: Cascades
Zarabear ((hugs)) I am so sorry to come back and hear this, prayers for a speedy and complete recovery. To the rest of staff, my heart goes out to those who are struggling with hardship & loss. Sky
Added By: Odin
Healing wishes and thoughts for everyone.