Added By: Scientist
Yay! This is all awesome stuff and good steps in the right direction. Too tired to post much else, but yay!
Added By: Thor
Thank you for the toadstool! I am going to comb over my pets to see who's the lucky glitter-baby!
Added By: 3dora
Thank you for all of this! And a happy birthday to Pandoria!
Added By: Lavi
Beautiful theme! now i'll need about 3 pet slot coins.. XD
Added By: Raichurules
Same here Lavi! Gotta come up with names for my soon to be new Frodrinn.
Added By: white_queen
Oh gosh thank you so much. Happy Birthday Pandoria may your life light up with beauty all around!!
Added By: Nine9
I'm digging the Inarbu and Caribyss especially. Even the Izabel looks great!
Added By: Nine9
Super excited to see what these forgotten plot items are, too. There's so many items on site that are out of circulation, I've been waiting for something like this.
Added By: Forru
Whoo, those pets look glorious! Happy birthday Pandoria :3
Added By: Arachnid
So pretty!!! Thank you.