Added By: Thor
I used my token already ;_; good luck to those words hang on theirs! And grats Seme!
Added By: Melody
Is there a way to check which Graces have met their limit?
Added By: Oboe
Melody, as far as I know there isn't, but there might be information up somewhere that I'm just spacing at the moment. Hopefully this can be clarified!
Added By: Madoni
is this the first non wearable champ gift? o.o
Added By: Seme
:0 Thank you! And I've always wondered if we might be able to see previous blessed limits somewhere.
Added By: Oboe
@Madoni, if you haven't already gotten the answer: this isn't the first non-wearable Champ gift (there was a Peppermint Gourix Plush too!) but they generally tend to be wearable.