Added By: Xeiana
Now I need one
Added By: Tempest
Looks so pretty! Just created Find and boxed her Storm. :3
Added By: Theory
I am so tempted to get another jinx… Wonder if I should add a third to my little family? >_
Added By: MisterUndead
Oh, I love it! Reminds me of Raidramon a little.
Added By: jingle
Darn, looks like I may have missed it cx Tried to go get one but it was unavailable.
Added By: Detective
They'll be released in batches, keep trying back :)
Added By: Paintbrush
Yes! I forgot about Friday the 13th and I have created my Jinx Dunamis! Now for that Storm PB XD
Added By: Crow
Love the art!! And seeing more non-seasonal box themes!
Added By: Leptonyx
I was hoping JeanieC would've forgotten today was Friday the 13th.
Added By: Silcoonsixx
Ooh, I like the design. :0