Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 84
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Lyra's News Report
Written By Xeiana

Lyra: Hello and thank you for joining me! This is Lyra from Mistic News Channel 3 reporting in! Today, during the lovely holiday of Lanturnacht – Evan stop shaking, I know you’re afraid of ghosts but that’s just a kid in a bedsheet – we have been excited to announce that we have exclusive interviews with the famous Jasper and um… and the owner of the Chamber Albrecht!

Lyra’s smiles, even as the camera continues to shake as it glides over Lyra to point at a small Gourix chasing after a few others kids in a bedsheet.

Lyra: Ahem.

The camera shifts back to her.

Lyra: We’ll be starting with Jasper himself, who is currently inside his tent preparing for an interview… I think. Let’s see if anyone is home!

Lyra walks up to the tent and knocks on the door, but receives no answer. Lyra sends a reassuring smile back to Evan and knocks harder. The door flies open, just missing Lyra who had to jump backwards and a certain mischievous imp stood there.

Robin: Oh, look Jasper. The news crew is here.

Something about Robin’s smug smirk and Jasper’s wide eyes was unsettling to the two.

Lyra: So, Jasper, thank you for this invitation to interview you. I see the circus is going successful, even after the problem with the Living Candy and Lanturats from last year.

Her attention is drawn to a nearby cotton candy machine where said Lanturats are devouring the candy inside. Lyra chuckles awkwardly and proceeds to the next question.

Lyra: Okaaaay. We heard you had a run-in with Albrecht earlier on this month, has everything been resolved? Many Misticans are surprised that there are no further spats between you two? Is it possible for you to have put your differences aside?

Robin had to hide a laugh, coughing into his hands and shrinking back into the corner of the room. Jasper opened his mouth and then closed it, while Gregory growled down at him in warning…. Warning? Lyra blinked.

Jasper: That cretin? As if I’d work with him, there is nothing on Mistica that can force me to.

Well, that certainly ended the interview and Lyra and Evan were forced out of the tent. With a surprised and rather confused look towards her cameraman, she traveled towards the Chamber for her interview with Albrecht, maybe he would have some information. However, as soon as she saw Albrecht walking around, very cheerily, handing out candy, she decided to postpone her interview. That was just too weird.


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