Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 77
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Through the Mirror Part 6
Written By Xeiana

The echoes of the monster who was using his mother’s voice was catching up to the little Braenon. He took one step forward onto the crumbling rock before he retreated again, heart pounding in his chest. No matter what he kept telling himself, he was terrified of trying to glide over there. But it was the only way. Either he glided or stayed to confront the beast.

“Kaiiiidaaaaa. Stop running awaaaaay from mooooothererrrrrr.” The voice was so close that he whimpered out loud, his fur standing on end. He backed up again to the edge of the cliff, one paw almost slipping down to void. Kaida was done for, he knew it! A chirp brought him out of his distress. Flicker? That was Flicker’s chirp, tiny and high pitched. Eyes darted around, only to look behind him at the other side of the chasm. There! Flicker was pacing back and forth, soaking wet, trying to find a way over. Like him, the little foxusha still couldn’t fly very well.

Kaida’s heart soared, and he almost could have laughed in joy until he could hear the monster closing in. Slowly on hand pulled itself into view, the giant maw of it gaping and just waiting to devour him.

He couldn’t wait.

A decision had to be made.

There was no doubt about his decision anymore. Without thinking, he ran at the creature, clumsily dodging the hand only to make an about face, wings spreading out. Leaping into the void of air, he only had a second to doubt himself before he was completely airborne. However if it was to see Flicker again, he would try and glide once more.

The air beneath him was cold and it only reminded him how he preferred the ground. Flicker’s form was coming closer and a smile alighted on his face. Flicker! Finally he could be with his beloved pal again. 

A strange hissing shattered the chaos of the monster shrieking, no doubt trying to reach him. Wait, hissing? Squinting his eyes, he noticed a sudden change with Flicker. Daydream colors bled to Nightmare, tiny little wings fraying and crumbling away to dust, and where two eyes once lay now merged into a horrible red one that stared at him in anger and hatred.

A scream pierced the cave, Kaida beating the air to stop his glide, to prevent himself from coming any closer to the thing that was not his Flicker, only to realize the dangerous error.

“Kaiiiiidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! NOOOOOO!”

He fell, fear overwhelming him as the monster tried everything to grab him, while a cackle from the fake Flicker traveled down to his ears.

Further down below to his left there was an opening that was covered in what looked like vine and moss, cold, dark, yet something wasn’t right. Could he make it? Or was it better to try and survive in the water below? The images of those water monsters made him shiver on the fall down.


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