Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 6
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

You Just Brought Home Your First Belragoth….Now What?
Written By Skyhawk

First thing is to make sure you have food. Belragothes come home hungry and the first thing they’ll want is a good meal. Belragothes are carnivores and therefore prefer red meat. If you’re squeamish then you may want to step out of the room when your pet begins to eat. Belragothes consider where they eat their home so be sure to provide as much food as possible for your new pet. Once your new friend has finished eating be sure to provide water. Belragothes do not drink often, but they always drink after they eat and after they have flown.

After a good meal your new friend is going to want to clean up. There are several easy ways to clean up your pet after a meal. If you’re comfortable enough you may help your pet clean up with the simple use of a wet cloth mixed with some oils. If cleaning by hand isn’t preferred then just provide your Belragoth with some water and they can clean themselves up. It’s strongly recommend the owner help clean up, as it is the perfect opportunity to bond with your new pet.

Now that your Belragoth has cleaned up, what else is there to do? There’s plenty to do, but for first time owners it’s good to set your pets bed next. Belragothes like to sleep in tight quarters, but be sure where ever your Belragoth chooses to sleep has a warm floor. Belragothes are lizard like and need to warm themselves. A warming rock will keep them warm on those cold nights. Additional rocks to line their beds or bones will comfort your pet even more, but are not required.

Don’t be alarmed if your pet seems uninterested in toys or even you on their first day home. They are intelligent animals, but they are slow in decision making. Belragothes like to investigate every detail around them before they feel comfortable. Allow your pet to explore a bit, but stay close. While they are independent creatures they will bond closely to their owners. It takes a few hours, but your new pet will warm up quickly once they are done exploring.

Belragothes are big pets and will make big “messes.” Fear not! Belragothes are easy to potty train. Just show your new pet the areas you’d like for them to relieve themselves and they will keep to those areas. As for the messes they make, well they are actually excellent ingredients for compost. If you have a garden then your new pet will be the perfect gardening partner.

Belragothes are prone some illnesses, so be sure to get their vaccinations every year. A particular illness Belragoth owners should be aware of is a rash that develops at the base of the wing joints. This illness is actual a virus that weakens Belragothes that are not properly cleaned and a fungus will begin developing on their wing joints. A simple prevention of this illness is to make sure your pet is clean and has updated vaccinations.

Congratulations on your first Belragoth! Be sure to check out our full version book: I Have a Belragoth what do I Do Now!


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