Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 55
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

What That Sock Thinks of You
Written By Fay

We all rejoiced when MeriKlaus’s One Lousy Sock turned out to be hiding a Tasty Carrot in the toe. What color you received seemed pretty random, and the whole thing just a silly joke on the Mericai’s part. But what if it’s deeper than that? What if I was to tell you that I have proof that that One Lousy Sock was not just a joke, but sent to judge your very soul?

Yes, according to Bud the Bum, who I’m assured is an expert on all things Mistmas-and-soul-related, the color of your Tasty Carrot was meant as a message!

So what is MeriKlaus trying to tell you?

ALBINO: You haven’t quite yet achieved Queen Boreal levels of austere but you’re dangerously close. Go jump in a tub of glitter or something.

ARCTIC: If someone hugs you they’re likely to get frostbite. Shockingly, this is pretty unpleasant, so maybe warm that cold heart of yours by donating to Charitee.

DESERT: Yes, Clayton tricked you into eating a spider – big deal! Calm down and get him back by releasing a bunch of Caaws into his shop.

NOCTURNAL: It’s only acceptable to have forgotten what a sunrise looks like if you’re a vampire with a tortured, nonexistent soul. Slather on some SPF100 and go to the beach for Pandoria’s sake!

NOIR: Ooh, aren’t you a special little snowflake? I’m sure no one else looks like you. At all. So keep piling on that eyeliner…or maybe stop taking fashion tips from cartoon bank robbers.

SWAMP: People might think you’re a little off, but I know better. You’re just looking for a place to hide the body aren’t you?

TOXIC: You’re so very shocking and unorthodox you’ve made me completely rethink my whole worldview. Definitely don’t look into toning anything down about your crazy self at all. People love having their eyeballs hurt when they see you.

TROPICAL: Sugar looks at you and probably gags a little. Being warm and inviting is great and all, until you stop for a hitchhiker carrying a bloody axe and believe his story about being a tree doctor.

WOODLAND: Trees are awesome. They provide oxygen and shade and a place for birds to hide in to dive-bomb unsuspecting park-goers. However, they don’t require hugs (you could use a bath though).

RIVERSIDE: Silence, as they say, is golden, but sometimes you should be wearing silver or platinum instead. Get off your tranquil behind and jump off a cliff or something! With a bungee cord, obviously.

NORTHERN: Did you have a glitter-and-rainbow-infused espresso for breakfast? Maybe read a few horror stories to balance out all the sunshine.

BLUSH: Gourix Heartbreak made you cry, didn’t it? And if I looked in your attic I’d probably see all sorts of Alana and Joel wedding memorabilia. Remember that love isn’t the butterflies in your stomach; it’s not suffocating your significant other with a pillow when they’ve eaten the last chocolate truffle.

Some of these sound a little out of character for our jolly mericai, so maybe something got lost in translation. Who knows? I don’t speak sock.


Written By liz1s1

i'm certainly a cheerful one but I already like horror stuff to a degree.

Written By Sherry

What a funny place to find a Tasty Carrot - can it really be tasty if it hangs out in a sock???

Written By Soot

This was pretty interesting to read. I received a Tasty Tropical Carrot from the sock. I'm not quite sure the description of the Tasty Tropical Carrot is all true to my character, but it was interesting to read none the less. xD

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