Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 51
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

This Month in Mistica: August '13
Written By Caustic

This Month in Mistica is a quick guide to everything that’s happened on site in the past month. Whether you’re new and want a better idea of what goes on here, an older user who’s returning, or simply too lazy to read the news, this article has all -- okay, most -- of the information you need!


August began by attempting to educate us all in the proper care of our pets when five more pet facts and care books were filled and released. The Vending Machine received its usual updates and the August Kohal was made available.


The next day Spotlight winners were announced and SottoOnde, Scarlet and puredream were hired to create the new Plot Team.


While chatting and strolling through Darkwood Hollow, Lycoris and Pinny met Adam. They offered to help him gather more pommes and he accepted.


On the 4th, we celebrated the wonderful Lullay’s birthday with a unique new pal!


Coding was updated the next day so that no matter where a scuba set was located on your account, you could still access Sango Reef. Meanwhile, Pinny and Lycoris stayed in Adam’s castle for the night, as the imp was getting very sick.


Lycoris’s illness only worsened, prompting Pinny to take off for King Blithe’s help on the 7th. Elsewhere in the forest Tormic released several new daydream and nightmare pals.


The next day, Aibrean revealed eight new published books for the Library!


King Blithe gave Pinny the cure for Lycoris, but also sent the skillow off with something think about: he could only become real if he proved himself worthy of such a gift. Tormic had apparently also been busy and released one last batch of pals.


While Adam and Lycoris got to know each other, Arielle was busy sewing and released new daydream and nightmare plushies on the 9th.


On the 10th, pet days returned! We celebrated the Ahbruis, Drakalaita and Frodrinn with piñatas (available in the toy shop), and three very special figurines, one for each species. The figurines could only be found that day; clues were posted as to where to find them.


Two days later we returned to Adam, Lycoris and Pinny, who had brought back the sick imp’s cure. Adam and Lycoris seemed to have grown closer in Pinny’s absence. In other news, the Suggestions forums made a comeback!


The next day the site received several coding updates.


By the 14th Lycoris was on the mend and Adam decided he wanted to do something special for her. He settled on building her a grand library in his castle, and asked Misticans for help in stocking it. The imps got wind of his plan, however, and started collecting books to burn so he couldn’t get at them!


Belragoth and yehxil facts were published in their proper care books on the 15th.


The next day, several shiny new avatars were released. It was also revealed that the imps had a lead in the book drive.


Ben was missing his friend, and so commissioned Jeremy to make voodoo plushies in Pinny’s honor. These were released on the 17th.


On the 18th we were all seeing green with the release of the gorgeous Vibrant August Butterfly Tag! Plot totals were also revealed and although the imps started out strong, the sprites ended up winning by only eighty-two points!


The next day, Adam was happily stocking Lycoris’s library. He then asked Pinny about a book from Volcan, and although the skillow’s greatest fear was fire, he offered to journey to the Inferno Terrain to get it. Not only did he retrieve the book Adam wanted, but Pandoria appeared and granted his wish to become a real skillow!


On the 24th Lycoris discovered her library and was thrilled. Pinny returned to the castle a flesh-and-blood skillow, and the plot shop opened.


Daydreams and nightmares still were working magic! The next day the Daydream and Nightmare Jumboyos were revealed, and there was also an account clearing.


It turns out Lycoris was wanted by her family and imps ambushed Pinny in Volcan’s volcano. Hanging him over the lava, they demanded to know where she was. To help Pinny stay brave a board opened in Mistic Chat, asking for tales of bravery.


On the 22nd, the Braenon, Comeil, Gurahdi and Haruba all had their facts published in their care books.


The next day Pinny showed just how brave he was. In spite of his impending incineration, he refused to say anything to the imps and they dropped him right into the lava! Luckily Volcan, who had been watching, snatched the skillow out of the air at the last moment. Pinny not only got the book, but Pandoria appeared and, because of the skillow’s bravery, made him real!


On the 24th Lycoris discovered Adam’s library and was delighted by it. Pinny opened the plot shop with a lot of prizes for everyone who participated and trophies were also awarded.


The next day the Daydream and Nightmare Jumboya were released, and there was also an account clearing.


Harmony turned up some odd items on the 26th. She seemed a bit distracted by something…


The Voodoo Nokwi was discovered two days later, and we also celebrated SottoOnde’s birthday with a regal new pal from Tormic!


The next day, the Jumboyo, Kohal, Kratork, Nokwi and Phelocan all got their facts published in their care books. The Post Office also began stocking some lovely (or not so lovely) items to make going back to school a little less horrible.


Adam and Lycoris are happy in his castle, Pinny is finally a real skillow, and we’re all drowning in new items and pets! August was a bright and busy month. Hopefully the threat of learning doesn’t dampen September’s arrival…


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