Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 48
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

So There's a Vix on Your Doorstep (and he isn't leaving)
Written By Fallout

How many times has this happened to you? You go for a walk in the park. Everything's happy and sunshiney like some old, black and white cartoon and the Skillows are flying by singing a merry little tune about springtime, and you're waving to the flowers and the sun who for some reason have hands and faces so they can smile and wave back at you.

Then all of a sudden it happens. You get the feeling that something is watching you and you turn around to see a Vix standing there, staring at you. Maybe he's chewing on an acorn or a walnut or something while he's doing it. You decide to go home but you can't shake the feeling that he's following you. Sure enough, the Vix tails you all the way home. Now he's on your doorstep with that walnut, waiting for you to open the door.

So what do you do now? You can't very well leave that Vix out there on your doorstep. What if you have to go outside to get the paper or the mail or the milk is delivered, because we totally still live in a world where you can't just walk down to the convenience store and buy a gallon yourself? You have to get rid of him somehow.

You could try adopting an Anya, one that is cute and cuddly to you but mean to any and every one else who ever walked the face of Mistica. That oughta show him! So you go and try that and...now they're friends. Now you've got an Anya and a Vix just chilling on your doorstep, sharing a whole bag of walnuts and waiting for you to open the door. You have to try something else.

You could try doing a rain dance to appease the rain clouds and make it pour. They won't want to stand on the stoop while it's raining! Their fur will get all damp and they'll be miserable and be forced to go away and seek dry shelter. So you do your dance and the clouds are pleased and bring on the sky water! You go to see how they like that...and they're wearing rain coats. You don't know where they got those from, but they seem to be quite warm and comfortable under them.

There's only one more thing you can do. Secretly pack up your belongings and move away to another house through the backdoor so they don't know what's going on. You take pride in seeing them still sitting on that porch waiting for you while you pull away, none the wiser that you're gone. You move into your new house and settle on down pretty quickly.

Suddenly there's a knock on your door. New neighbors perhaps? Nope. The Vix and the Anya are both there to sit on your new porch step. You give up and sit down next to them. They offer you some of their walnuts. It seems you'll never be rid of this Vix. Congrats on your new pet though!


Written By Silcoonsixx

Hehe, I love this. xD

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