Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 43
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Mistica Infested!
Written By Kite

Early this morning, the world of Mistica was thrown into disarray when a host of all things lovey dovey invaded.

The love bug invasion began at 7am this morning, when a Mrs. Twinkle is alleged to have been bitten on her toes by the critters. Mrs. Twinkle’s toes contracted lovesickness and according to her daughter Sally, who insists she has always been Mrs. Twinkle’s little star, she has not been the same since.

“It woke me up!” Young Sally explained, “I heard the commotion and saw two lovebugs flying out of mom’s room, coming straight for me! Luckily I’d purchased some love bug spray in advance so I managed to retrieve it from my room just in time to fend them off. But it’s too late for my mum! She’s been writing cards and sending kisses and giving out hearts to all our friends. She’s even asked our next door neighbour to marry her – and he said yes!”

Nearby in Jasper’s currently off-air circus, the staff members have reported unusually romantic goings on, despite the spooky atmosphere they normally encourage.

“I just don’t understand it,” Elijah, a stall worker there stated to our reporter. “Normally I’m not a big hit with the ladies, y’know? But this morning I’ve had so many female anyai and harubas coming into my tent, wanting to play on my stall that I’ve lost count! And the circus is supposed to be closed until October!”

Even Mistica’s most northern regions have not been spared by this morning’s Infestation blight. A whole host of cooties are reported to have invaded King Blithe’s chamber in the Blizzard realm, with King Blithe reporting a job vacancy for two new chamber guards, citing reasons that the previous two have suddenly decided to elope together to Bamboo Beach Resort and have a prolonged honeymoon there.

Sales of rings, flowers and chocolates have reportedly hit the roof and our reporter was fortunate to be able to speak to Erika, owner of the frantically busy Village Bakery, this morning for a few moments:

“It’s been crazy!” Erika told our reporter. “It’s been so busy in here I’ve been rushed off my feet all morning! Everyone’s falling in love and wanting to buy heart shaped cakes for one another. I’m just so fortunate that Jeremy came over from his plushie shop and helped me out for a bit! He really is SO nice, and SO incredibly handsome! I’ve baked him a beautiful Heartcake to say thank you which I’ll give to him later. He’s taking me out for dinner tonight, you know.”

So there you have it folks. The bugs and cooties are upon us. It would seem that anyone who is unarmed with repellent is likely to fall foul to love or heart sickness. Please do not delay. I myself am just about to purchase a cootie shot before it’s too late… although the guy behind the medicine counter is VERY cute! Perhaps I’ll see what he’s doing tonight instead…


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