Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 40
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Ask the October Moone
Written By Valkyrie

She lives in a small cabin on the outskirts of Banshee swamp. Lean from her time wandering, Moone awaits you on the porch, looking almost like a ghost in the dim light. Shaggy white hair that hangs to her waist lifts and sways in a non-existent breeze, glowing. At the end of a generously long leash an imp in a hot pink tutu is picking his nose and flicking boogers at the tree line. You give him a wide berth, not trusting the odd eyed craziness that he exudes.

Moone makes no effort to conceal the snicker at your expense and hands you her article. For the hundredth time you silently promise yourself that next month, someone else will be picking up the article. The imp turns his drooling grin toward you and... you flee.


King asked this question: I kinda wanna know where Jasper came from... He's always seemed interesting to me. Same thing with Rougarou! Thanks!

Abbiegoth asked: Why does Rougarou hate Bayou Benny?

Lepidoptra sent this in: Whatever happened to Archie after Jasper took the circus from him and will he get the circus back?

Dear King & Abbie & Lepidoptra,
Jasper is an enigma, far too vain and insane to approach with direct questions. We did however have a wonderful tea together. Jasper eventually warmed to my presence and told me bits and pieces about his life. How Archibald (the owner of the then Bozo's Circus) adopted him at a young age and encouraged his bizarre imagination. He spoke too of the tenuous truce that he and his adopted brother Archie now have. In short: I left knowing less than I went in with and with a vow to never wear a grinning hat.

Archie was reluctant to speak with me, he called me paparazzi and said that his only answer was “no comment.” Those of you who know me know that I could not leave well enough alone. The following is our dialogue:
Me: Is it true that you had to resort to being a hand model for money?
Archie: …
Me: Are you really superstitious or were you just being a jerk to your little brother?
Archie: …
Me: Is it true that you play with Rainbow Scout Dolls and hope to someday marry the purple scout?
Archie: …
Me: If I have revealed at least one of your dirty little secrets will you respond by staring at me and then calling security?
Archie: …Security!!!!

Rougarou? Seven feet tall? Black furry complexion and bad breath? Glowing eyes and no sense of humor?Never heard of him...


Okay, fine!

He is one of our as yet unsolved mysteries. We have been unable to find where he nests or what brings him out of hibernation besides the crooning of Bennie and his squeeze box (footnote: am offering a reward for the accursed sqeeze box in the form of one slightly used imp.) I stomped through marshes, beat the bushes and knocked on scary hollow trees to no avail. He may be hiding from me after standing me up on a date a while back. But, I will continue my search for information, King.
As for Abbiegoth's question, I once asked him that myself and he replied:”Frum my rest - he do wake me. Den croonches his sqeeze box until it sound like a cat ina vice. He shodo make meh ears ta bleed.”
I could only reply: me too.
Sincerely Moone~

From Artemis we heard: I have question concerning a certain Anya friend of mine *coughLokicavecatcough* Now, I'm trying to find a way to reform him (so to speak) I'm sure that you know he has a small sticky fingers problem. Any ideas how to get him going down the right road?

Dear Artemis,
Double sided sticky tape and a big stick. Seriously though, you do need to reform that unrepentant little fur ball. Is there anything he won't pilfer? You may want to consider a big tub of water and an electric toaster. Every time you catch him with loot, drop him in the tub with said toaster and let him simmer for awhile.
Warning: Use of water and electric toasters may cause baldness, death and facial ticks.
On second thought, maybe you should go with the tape and the stick. After all, who wants to be bald?
Sincerely Moone~

pikaXchu approached me:
Good Evening Moone,
I do indeed have a question. Why do those sneaky imps keep nabbing my stuff?!? I used to be one of them too...

Dear Pika,
It's their nature. Storm clouds will rain, a pretty girl will steal a heart and imps will steal your stuff. Buy a rain coat, harden your heart and use a safe box. All else can't be predicted. Best of luck.
Sincerely Moone~

A note from the Moone:
While I could not use all the questions submitted, everyone who replied to my topic will be included in the drawing for a CS item. Thank-yous are owed to the following people – Starshine and Chaznkellog.


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