Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 4
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Proper Obsideon Care: Pocket Version
Written By By: Professors J/B and S

Overview: Obsidians are very patient pets, but they can also be stubborn. When an Obsideon puts his mind towards something it wants to do, then it can be a struggle to change its views. Obsidians are pets for people who can be patient and understanding. They are active at night so an Obsideon is also great for a nighttime person. All Obsidians have a scary look to them, but they are very gentle pets and can be quite an addition to any family.

Obsidians like to have their food dead and slightly decaying (completely decaying works too). This may sound disgusting to most, but Obsidians have special bacteria in their stomach (and mouth) specifically for this purpose. If they lack the proper amount of decaying meat, the bacteria in their stomach can cause serious problems down the road. This bacterium has been known to weaken their bones and cause even blindness if their diets are not met.

Obsidians hardly drink water and usually only drink a few times during the week. This is because they have adapted for many years for survival without water out on the Dire Morana plains, so their bodies don’t require massive amounts of water.

Obsidians acquire their mask on their own, so there’s no need to find one. If you have a growing pup, they will disappear during their adolescent phase for a few days, so do not worry. This disappearance is to acquire the mask. The method of acquiring a mask for an Obsideon is a highly guarded secret. No maintenance is needed to take care of the mask on an Obsideon. It will remain on their faces without too much problems, but sometimes they do have rashes underneath that need attending.

Other Pets:
Obsidians get along with other pets very well. They are never aggressive unless pushed into a corner. They prefer to play rather then fight.

Obsidians don’t need a lot of exercise. They like to sleep in the sun many days, so you may actually have trouble getting your Obsideon to go out. They like to run most of the time when they do exercise. Many Obsidians are afraid of water due to the fact that they never see it in the wild; so taking your Obsideon out on a rainy day may surprise them.

Obsidians love to play; their favorite toy of all is any sort of ball. They love to chase balls around, so watch out in your home because if an object is circular, an Obsideon may take it to play with it.

Obsidians have short fur, so only a good brush-over once a week will keep them looking in tip-top shape. Their manes do become long at times and require trimming.

Male or Female?
Males tend to be slightly bigger then females. They are also less active. They enjoy sleeping in the sun a lot during the day, and at night they tend to just explore around their homes for a bit before settling down and relaxing. They stand on guard on most cases, and will warn their families of any dangers. They may not be the first to bite an intruder, but they are the first warning. Obsidians are legendary for their defense, and will also defend any family members if needed. Females are a tad more active and a lot more playful. When they are awake, they will pester anyone to play with them. They are also smaller, so they do eat a lot less compared to males. Females are just as strong as males, and have the same defensive capabilities.


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