Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 38
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Pandoria's Boxed Blessings: Daydream and Nightmare
Written By Hurricane

Whenever Nightmare pets are present, the words, ‘I’m your worst nightmare,’ become reality. These pets have anything from a skull head, an extra set of teeth, and tentacles that would leave anyone cowering in a corner. They also have plenty of eyeballs of all shapes and sizes to see where they’re going, despite their true eyes being covered and blinded. Without a doubt, Nightmare pets are the scariest creatures Mistica has to offer (although Apocalyptic comes very close).

Roxanne’s Lirinox, Disgrace, loves the unavoidable solitude. “People leave me alone,” he said, “I like that. They're scared.” Indeed, most Misticans run and scream in terror at the very sight of a Nightmare pet. Although some enjoy the solitude, other Nightmare pets may not enjoy that sort of loneliness as much. After all, many enjoy like company, such as Imps, other Nightmares (pals and pets), and people who are easy to frighten. Disgrace dislikes people who assume that he’s an evil monster. “Sometimes I miss being able to go somewhere and not be singled out as a monster,” he told us. We suppose the screaming can get tiresome after a while.

The beautiful and elegant Daydream pets are always here to pull you from your ‘nightmare’. Daydream and Nightmare pets have never gotten along; they wage war on each other every year, rallying to their respective ruler. Despite the fighting, Misticans seem to favor Daydream pets because of their unbearably enticing array of colors. The rainbow butterfly wings are the best known traits of any Daydream pet, and their signature. Black_shadow’s Cheran, Basil, absolutely adores his wings. The best thing about being a Daydream pet is “being able to fly!” He said, “I mean, these wings don't just make me look good, y'know.” Those pretty little wings definitely make Daydream pets quite popular. However, beauty does come with a price. The wings are very delicate and can severely cripple a Daydream pet if damaged. Basil hates the fragility of his wings too. “They're really fragile,” he said, “and they hurt if you hit ‘em on anything, or step on ‘em.” Luckily, most Daydream pets have agility to match their delicate physical forms, so it’s quite uncommon for wings to be torn or grievously injured.


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