Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 38
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Cannonballing Mandoran Causes Tidal Wave in Hotel Pool
Written By Fallout

It seemed like a normal vacation for little Suzie Stignightus and her family. With only a few days left before their vacation ended and she went back to school, she and her brother were determined to have the best time ever at their Bamboo Beach hotel. Suzie was excited to finally be old enough to go in the Big Girl pool and not have to share the kiddie pool with a bunch of peeing babies and jumped in with a pair of floatie wings and goggles and not a care in the world. That was until disaster struck...

A rather large Mandoran leaped off the side of the pool and shouted, “Cannonball!” Then there was what can only be described as a tidal wave of awesome that completely emptied the pool of water and swimmers, disrupting a game of Marco Polo and scattering hotel patrons everywhere. Suzie somehow ended up stuck in a tree while her brother was found, dazed and confused but completely unharmed, in a puddle in the center of the parking lot. The next shout that was heard amidst the stunned silence was a guilty and deeply apologetic, “Sorry!”

“Why he thought that was a good idea is beyond me!” Suzie's angry father reportedly said. “He weighs like two tons! What if someone got hurt?”

Not everyone reacted with anger. An understanding Eledon was seen reassuring the Mandoran that things like that happen to her all the time. “I remember last time I jumped in the water at the beach,” she said. “Next thing I knew, there were kids screaming and some people thought the beach was under attack by a Kraken.”

No one was harmed except for a few books and a nearby barbeque. Some patrons even claimed that the tidal wave was a good thing. A drowning caterpillar that had been sputtering and thrashing in the waves for dear life after falling out of the nearby tree was saved when the wave threw him out of the water and placed him safely on a nearby guard rail. The wave also sent water flooding into the kiddie pool, replacing the sun-warmed water/pee mixture with the cooler, relatively cleaner stuff.

“You gotta thank Pandoria for the little things,” one employee shrugged while they pumped more water back into the emptied pool.


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