Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 36
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

What's For Lunch? Part 3
Written By TheBrokenFox


The third installment of “What’s for Lunch?” is finally here! After some research, I am here to report on the foods that the Comeil, Draklaita, and Eledon most enjoy.

The Comeil is not finicky about the food it finds. In the desert, how can they be? But because of the fact they have poor eyesight, they have developed a superb sense of smell. In fact, they “see” the entire world through their smell. For this reason, Comeil can identify things they like to eat in the sands from up to four feet down and three miles away! Entirely plant eaters, they enjoy the foliage that surrounds oases, especially rare Blue Herbs that hide under the sand. They have also been known to accidentally chew some insects hiding in the leaves or flowers in the plants that they eat, but they usually spit them out or avoid eating them if possible. They do, however, have an odd taste for Scorpion (particularly on a stick) and Scorts during the annual Infestation migration.

Draklaita are some of the oddest eaters out there due to the fact they have two separate heads. The dominant head, the one that contains the brain, has a mouth that is fit to eat meat, and this head is completely carnivorous. The secondary head contains teeth best used to grind plant matter. This head is completely herbivorous. Although they have the capability to be omnivorous, most Draklaita are more predatory and prefer to eat meat with a small supplement of plants. Draklaita will, on occasion, eat more plants than meat, such as when they are in the desert or on the move to a new location. However, this is abnormal behavior and is most commonly found only in dire situations.

Lastly, we have the Eledon. These large animals are herbivorous and enjoy up to 200 pounds daily of various roots, berries, bark, twigs, fruits, and pretty much any other plant life that happens across an Eledon’s way. Unlike Comeil, Eledon are not picky whatsoever about what they eat. It is hypothesized that the fact they must ingest so much food is why they cannot be so choosy. Elles take in between 10-30 gallons of milk until they are old enough to wean, in which time they begin to learn how to forage for their own food. Habitually the entire parade helps in teaching the child, as Elles are far and few between.

That looks like that’s all I have to report for this month’s edition. Stay tuned for more “What’s for Lunch?” as I interview Misticans to find out what they have to say about the eating habits of their very own Emperon, Frodrinn, and Gourix!


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