Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 32
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Cherandam, Skilloweve and the Pomme Tree's Beginning: Part 1
Written By Amethyst

There are many different beliefs amongst Misticans; while we know our goddess Pandoria created our world, there are still other mysterious to explore. These mysteries ran through the minds of two innocent young Misticans, a Cheran and a Skillow. They were exactly what you would imagine children to be – creative, adventurous, and eager. But it wasn’t until they came upon the great Pomme Tree that their quest began...

“This tree is so beautiful, don’t you think? If only everyone could have one in their backyard!” said the Skillow excitedly, barely able to contain herself as she fluttered her wings, trying to get a better view of the enormous tree’s canopy.

“I could have a collection of my favourite Pirate Pomme!” The Cheran agreed, and then his eyes lit up, “Hey, I’ve got an idea! How about we do a play about how the tree got here?” He burst out, matching the Skillow’s enthusiasm.

“Great idea! We could even have names; I will be Skilloweve and you Cherandam.”

“Why those names? They sound too girly for me!” the Cheran scoffed.

“They sound okay to me! Just go with it!” the Skillow argued, leaving the Cheran to huff in response.

From that moment the creative juices that had been filling up in these juvenile minds seemed to explode. There came adventures of great proportion; one included that the ancient tree arrived from outer space, and yet another that it was actually an Overgrowth pet who was sedentary for too long.

It was the space idea that caught on, of course.

“This tree will be planted on the land of Mistica so that one day we will be able to make contact! Each Pomme that falls will represent another day forward...” the Skillow remarked in a drone that she thought was rather alien-like.

“We, the Misticans, except this tree as a symbol of connection with the outside world, but do tell us the meaning of these strange fruits,” said the Cheran, lowering his voice in an attempt at dignity.

“Fruits? These are Pommes -- do you not know? They are used by Phantoms who throw them at unsuspecting Misticans!” both the Skillow and Cheran squealed in laughter.

Okay, maybe a tree arriving from outer space just to wreak havoc at Lanturnacht does seem a little far-fetched. Perhaps, though you will have to stay tuned for the next chronicle entry to find out more about our delightful two’s adventures!


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