Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 30
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Why Tarinookis are Irrevocably Awesome
Written By gemajgall

As the self-proclaimed biggest Tarinooki fan, I thought it was time to explain exactly why these Misticpets are the best virtual pets ever created. Beyond their cute and charming nature and impish smiles, there's several main reasons why I could adopt an army of these adorable little creatures.

Firstly, they're rodents. And they fly. Now hamsters and gerbils make awesome pets; this coming from personal experience. But when was the last time you saw a hamster fly? I didn't think so. Okay, I know Tarinookis don't fly the same way Skillows do. But they can glide. How much more appropriate for an artistic pet to defy gravity for a short amount of time and soar in the sky? That, undoubtedly, is irrevocably awesome.

The brings me to my second point. They're creative! I am a writer and a dreamer, but I appreciate classic, traditional art perhaps slightly more than the next person. To have a pet that shares that same creativity is wonderful. And Tarinooki are true artists; they don't limit themselves to the canvas. Any wall, floor, ceiling, or surface can become a painting. It's wonderful to have a house completely decorated by Tarinookis. The sense of aesthetics, culture, uniqueness, style, and pride are unparalleled in all of Mistica. And they're talented artists, so there is no need to worry at all about picking up a dated piece from Lighthouse Knicknacks.

Thirdly, these furry creatures all possess great senses of humor. They love jokes and pranks, which guarantees that these Misticpets will bring a smile to your face. Really, who wants a pet who is going to be solemn, serious, and boring? I, for one, would much rather have a pet who is joyful and in love with life. And in loving life, these creatures bring liveliness to anyone's life!

Even moreso, they possess magic! That by itself is simply cool and needs no further explanation.

They're also not the hardest Misticpets to take care of. They need a dust bath and fresh fruits, which is a relief because I couldn't bear to give live feed to any creature. Their dietary needs fits well within my lifestyle and ought to fit in well with yours. If not, having a Tarinooki around might be a good thing as it would encourage you to eat healthier foods.

Finally, and most importantly, is love. Tarinooki are simply lovable. They receive love well, and they also give it in return. They love the attention on both their soft, shiny fur and their vivid artwork. And they are willing to show love to their owners by the murals they create and the laughter that they give. This relationship becomes an unbreakable bond, making Tarinooki irrevocably awesome and, I would argue, a necessity in every Mistican's life.


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