Mistica Chronicles

Welcome to Issue 28
Created by The Mistic Pets Team

Ask the Moone: Babayaga vs. Moone
Written By Valkyrie

A newly slimmed Moone lands lightly on what used to be her garden path. Instead of her carefully crafted beds of Babies Breath and jewel toned roses, spiny vines rose up with a hiss to greet her, as if it were the rising ruff of a feral dog's fur. Moone hissed back at the vines and nodded in satisfaction as they wilted before her angry gaze.

In place of her quaint cottage was a monstrosity, a slovenly hut on the legs of a chicken crouched before her. From the windows a weak light emanated and from a precariously tipped chimney a sickly sweet smoke curled away into the darkness. Squaring her shoulders (and her courage), she stepped forward to knock on the lopsided door. As her hand reached toward it, it swung violently inward, crashing against the wall!

“Come in! Come in!” a hoarse voice croaked. “No need to lurk!”


Moone ducked to enter the hut. It was incredibly cluttered but large. In one corner, close to a crackling fire, was a gilded cage; inside was a cowering baby eledon. “Welcome to my...”-- her host laughed -- “ humble home.”


The Braenon was silent, absorbing the chaos around her with silvery eyes. The stranger sat at a low table made of what appeared to be bone, clothed in Moone's fine silk kimono. Looking directly at it Moone saw a smiling old woman but from the corner of her eye she saw a hunched monster with flashing iron teeth.

Still silent, Moone went to the cage and sprung its lock without a word. The baby Eledon scrambled into her arms. Ignoring the indignant screech of Babayaga, she took the infant to the door whispering softly and stood watching as it scampered away. “How dare you free my lunch!” A shriek rose behind her.

With all the nobility the frost Braenon possessed, she pivoted to face the nattering monster inside. Moone arched a perfect eyebrow and asked, “Where are the letters?”

Babayaga grinned, her eyes narrowing craftily. “They are right here.” She held them up as proof, dangling them between her fingers, tipped in jagged and dirty nails.

“Give them to me. This was a terrible idea; Valkyrie never should have trusted you,” Moone said.

The old woman lurched to her feet and spat out a bone that looked suspiciously like the leg of a Mericai. “If you want them,” she growled, “go get them!” and with that Babayaga tossed the letters from the Misticans into her crackling fire. The flames shot up in an orange flurry and the delicate paper was soon just black ash.


As to exactly what happened next, we are uncertain;  Babayaga fled and Moone is back in possession of her quaint cottage, which is all we know. However, the questions submitted to Babayaga in good faith are gone. Moone has been brainstorming and has come up with a plan to make things right. Listen closely now as Moone makes her statement:

I'm sure you have heard what happened to the questions submitted this month. As a consolation, I will be hosting an event to give 100mp to one lucky Mistican. Is there a catch? Of course there is! You must submit a question for me that will appear in November Chronicles. This event will run for 1 week. I will then use a random generator, so be on your toes, Mistica! You will find me in The Fun and Games forum, right after the Chronicles are published. Good luck!


Written By LoftyBalloon


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